Aquatic adventures. mission: living labs for youth aquatic adventures educates urban youth about science, the ocean and nature through tuition-free programs,


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Presentation transcript:

aquatic adventures

mission: living labs for youth aquatic adventures educates urban youth about science, the ocean and nature through tuition-free programs, creating the next generation of scientific and environmental leaders vision: engage, experience, empower a scientific community that reflects the diversity of our society urban children and youth are empowered to reach their goals people from diverse communities have an understanding of the sciences, a personal connection to the natural world and a commitment to steward the environment highlights over 4,470 served greater than 48,800 hours of education at approximately $14 per educational hour provided 98% tuition-free programs professional development provided to over 50 san diego city school teachers Mobilized 1,000 volunteers to restore 2-acres of degraded habitat and plant 2,500 native plants aquatic adventures: mission and vision

aquatic adventures: what we do aquatic adventures’ programs utilize three strategies classroom and field-based programming intensive after-school and summer programming community-based habitat restoration projects we received $20,000 from the san diego unified port district to educate 2,500 low income, 3 rd through 6 th grade students during the school year about upstream actions that impact san diego bay

aquatic adventures: sea series initiative Summary The SEA Series Initiative provides classroom and field-based science education for elementary and middle school students, as well as professional development and resources for their classroom teachers. Students participate in the program through four consecutive years. The Initiative is currently provided at Carson Elementary, Hamilton Elementary, Florence Joyner Elementary, Gompers Middle, Monroe Clark Middle, and Montgomery Middle. SCIENCE ACTIVITIESTEACHER SUPPORT & CLASSROOM RESOURCES Classroom lessons  All students participate in four to five hands-on, interactive, standards-based science lessons in their classrooms led by Aquatic Adventures staff. Field trips  All students participate in one science or environmentally focused field trip led by Aquatic Adventures staff, offering a venue for experiential learning of science content and an opportunity to explore local coastal resources. Environmental service  All students participate in a locally based environmental service project related to the science curriculum and led by Aquatic Adventures staff. Projects are designed so that students will gain the belief that they can make a difference and have an increased ability to access pockets of natural space in an urban context. Professional development  All teachers participate in a curriculum-based professional development workshop led by Aquatic Adventures.  All sixth grade teachers participate in a science-based professional development workshop led by a research scientist. Classroom curriculum units  All classroom teachers receive over 25 standards-based language arts, science, social studies, and math lessons linked to the hands-on science activities for use in their classrooms. Science kits  All sixth grade teachers receive a science kit for use with the curriculum units enabling them to provide hands-on scientific learning experiences. Books  All classroom teachers receive over 10 theme-related books for use with the curriculum units, enabling them to meet language arts requirements. PARTNER SCHOOLS’ CONTRIBUTION  Participate in all program aspects  Prepare rooms for activities  Provide matching funds for cost of buses for field trips  Participate and assist in the implementation of program evaluation  Work with Aquatic Adventures to coordinate schedules  Utilize thematic curriculum, books and materials  When appropriate collaborate with Aquatic Adventures to submit proposals for program support  Join Aquatic Adventures in a partnership in education through San Diego Unified School District  Interact with supporters and contributors visiting the program MEASURABLE IMPACTSEVALUATION RESULTS 2008 Increased:  Interest & participation in the sciences among students and teachers from underserved communities  Performance & persistence in science by students from underserved communities  Interest & engagement with the natural world among students from urban communities  Diversity among those who support and act for the benefit of the environment  Students increased scores on tests of science knowledge and understanding by 31%  100% of teachers said the program made it easier for students to achieve the goals associated with the science standards.  The number of students who reported being interested in a career in science increased by 10% after students completed the Aquatic Adventures program.  100% of teachers said the program made students more interested in science.  100% of teachers said the program helped students become more confident in science.  92% of students who completed the program reported they help the environment

aquatic adventures: sea series initiative classroom-based formal education students participated in 4 to 5 hands-on science lessons 3 rd grade: invert investigators 4 th grade: wetland avengers 5 th grade: research scientists 6 th grade: time travelers

field-based formal education aquatic adventures: sea series initiative students participated in 1 science/environmentally focused field trip 3 rd grade: rocky seashore assessment 4 th grade: wetland habitat exploration 5 th grade: research vessel voyage 6 th grade: geology discovery

environmental service project aquatic adventures: sea series initiative students participated in a locally-based environmental service project 3 rd grade: paint storm drains & street clean up 4 th grade: canyon restoration & clean up 5 th grade: peer to peer mentoring 6 th grade: reduce, reuse & recycle campaign

aquatic adventures: sea series initiative professional development workshops all teachers participated in a curriculum-based professional development workshop 6 th grade teachers participated in a science-based professional development workshop led by a research scientist

aquatic adventures: sea series initiative thematic unit all teachers received standards- based language arts, science, social studies, and math lessons linked to the hands-on science activities for use in their classrooms

aquatic adventures: sea series initiative lending library all teachers received theme-related books for use with the curriculum units, enabling them to meet language arts requirements 6 th grade teachers received a science kit for use with the curriculum units enabling them to provide hands-on scientific learning experiences

sea series outcomes projected outcomes for target audience  increase environmental science content knowledge 31% average increase in student science content knowledge  increase exposure to tideland habitats 2,456 students visited and explored tideland habitats  allow teachers to meet california state standards and academic goals for students 100% of teachers said the program made it easier for students to achieve the goals associated with the science standards 51 teachers participated in professional development  increase environmental science curriculum in low-income schools 2,456 students participated in the sea series initiative and over 13,000 educational hours were provided 51 classrooms received books and science materials  change attitudes toward the natural environment and our role in protection 92% of students reported they help the environment

sea series outcomes projected outcomes for region  reconnect urban populations to natural environments 2,456 students participated in activities in local natural environments  develop community understanding about san diego bay’s unique assets 2,456 students learned about and stewarded san diego bay and connected systems  mobilize students, teachers and families to act for the benefit of the tidelands 20 bags of trash were removed from students’ neighborhood canyons Native seed was collected and dispersed in students’ neighborhood canyons 15 storm drains were painted with “no dumping…I live downstream” 827 student created conservation buttons were made and distributed 215 youth were mentored by older students on how to make positive environmental decisions

aquatic adventures thank you!