WELCOME!! Please highlight your name on the sheet at the front of the class. This sheet will act as attendance. If your name is not on there make sure to add it. If you did not receive a rule/case book yet, sign other sheet for them.
Reminders Sign up on Arbiter for your on-court hours. Sign up for practical. 18 still need to. Practicals are on July 20 th and 28 th. Study Guide and exam info coming soon.
Agenda for Today 1. During Play (Rule 9) 2. Break 3. The Serve (Rule 8) 4. Professionalism 5. Break 6. Conduct (Rule 12)
9.3 – Live and Dead Balls – A live ball is in play from the moment the ball is legally contacted by the server until a dead ball occurs – A dead ball is declared by the referee for any decision temporarily suspending play until the ball is legally contacted again for serve.
A live ball becomes dead when: a. Ball touches antenna, does not pass entirely between antennas, passes completely beyond the plane of the center line extension. b. Ball lands out of bounds c. Ball contacts overhead or ceiling and crosses vertical plane. d. Ball contacts the ceiling or overhead obstruction after the third hit. e. Ball contacts wall or ceiling obstruction which is over a nonplayable area.
A live ball becomes dead when: f. Ball becomes motionless in the net or on an overhead obstruction. g. Ball touches the floor h. Ball passes completely under the net i. Ball contacts a non-team member in a playable area. j. The ball (from the direction of the court) breaks the plane of a nonplayable area k. A referees whistle sounds. l. In the referees judgment, a timer’s audio signal interrupts play.
9.4 – Contacting the Ball – A contact is any touch of the ball by a player (excluding the player’s loose hair) – A hit is a contact which is counted as one of the 3 allowed – A team shall not have more than 3 hits before the ball crosses the net into the opponent’s playing area or is touched by the opponent. When teams 1 st contact is simultaneous contact by opponents, or an action to block, the next contact is considered the team’s 1 st hit.
9.4.4 – A ball is considered to have crossed the net when: a. It has passed completely beyond the vertical plane of the net. b. It is partially over the net and is contacted by an opponent c. No part of the ball has crossed the net, and it is legally blocked.
9.4.5 – Legal contact is: A touch of the ball by any part of a player’s body which does not allow the ball to visibly come to rest or involve prolonged contact with a player’s body.
9.4.6 – Simultaneous contact Definition – more than 1 contact of/on the ball made at the same instant a – 1 player contacts the ball w/ 2+ body parts 9.4.6b – Teammates contact the ball at the same time. Any player may attempt next hit c – Joust = two opponents cause the ball to come to rest above the net. Not a foul, play continues 9.4.6d – After joust, the player on the side opposite the side of the net the ball falls, is considered to have touched the ball last. Joust shall not count as a hit.
9.4.7 – Successive contacts Definition – 2 or more attempts to play the ball by one player w/o contact by a different player between the 2 plays. Illegal unless: a. Simultaneous contact by teammates b. Simultaneous contact by opposing players c. Player whose 1 st contact is a block, then 2 nd contact shall count as teams 1 st hit.
9.4.8 – Multiple Contacts Definition – More than one contact by a player during one attempt to play the ball. Permitted only: a. When the 1 st ball over rebounds from 1 part of the body to one or more parts in an attempt to block. b. On any 1 st team hit, whether or not the ball is touched by the block.
9.5.1 – Player Actions Attack – Any action (other than block/serve) that directs the ball to opponent’s court. Any 3 rd hit is an attack. A completed attack occurs when the ball completely crosses the vertical plane of the net or is legally contacted. Block – Player reaching higher than the top of the net at moment of contact. A block may involve wrist action provided there is no prolonged contact.
9.5.1 – Player Actions (cont) Block attempt – Action of blocking w/o touching ball. An attempt is not a block. Completed block – When the ball is touched by a blocker. Only front row players can complete a block. Collective block – A block executed by more than one blocker in close proximity. Penalty for back row player or libero to participate in completed collective block.
9.5 – Player Actions (cont) Art 2 – Front row players may contact the ball from anywhere provided the ball has not completely crossed the vertical plane of the net Art 3 – Back row players, while positioned behind the attack line, may contact a ball from any position. Art 4 – Back row players, on or in front of the attack line, cannot contact a ball completely above the height of the net and complete an attack.
9.5 - Player Actions (cont) Art 5 – Back row players shall not: a. Participate in a completed block b. Attack a ball which is completely above the height of the net while: 1. On or in front of the attack line 2. In the air, having left the floor on on or in front of the attack line Note: Illegal back row attack is not called until ball had completely crossed net or is legally contacted by opponent.
9.5 – Player Actions (cont) Art 6 – The libero shall not a. Complete an attack from anywhere if the ball is entirely above the height of the net. b. Set the ball overhand while on or in front of the attack line, resulting in a completed attack entirely above the height of the net. c. Block or attempt to block d. Rotate to the front row
9.5 – Player Actions (cont) Art 7 – A player may touch the floor across the center line with feet/hands provided a part of the feet/hands remains on or above the center line. Art 8 – A player may cross the center line extension outside the court at any time provided they do not cause interference. While across the center line, player may play a ball that has not completely crossed the vertical plane of the net extended.
9.6 – Net Play Art 1 – A ball contacting and crossing the net shall remain in play provided it is entirely w/in the net antennas. Art 2 – Recovering ball hit into net is permitted. Art 3 – A player shall not contact a ball that is completely on the opponent’s side of the net unless the contact is a legal block. Art 4 – Blocking a ball which is entirely on the opponent’s side of the net is permitted when the opposing team has had an opportunity to complete its attack.
9.6 – Net Play (cont) Art 4 (cont) – Attacks are complete when: a. Attacking team has completed 3 hits b. Attacking team has had the opportunity to complete the attack or, in the referee’s judgment, directs the ball toward the opponent’s court. c. Ball is falling near the net and, in the referee’s judgment, no legal member of the attacking team could make a play on the ball.
9.6 – Net Play (cont) Art 5 – Blocking a served ball is not permitted. Art 6 – A ball may be attacked, excluding a served ball, when it has partially crossed the net. Note: While attacking a served ball is not permitted, it is not out of play until the ball completely crosses the vertical plane of the net or is legally contacted by an opponent.
9.5 – Net Play (cont) Art 7 – Net fouls occur when a. A player contacts any part of the net, cables, or antenna (except loose hair). It is not a foul if the force of a ball hit by the opponent pushes the net into a player. b. A player gains an advantage by contacting floor cables, standards, referee platform. c. There is dangerous contact by a player with floor/wall cables, standards, ref platform.
9.5 – Net Play (cont) Art 7 (cont) d. There is interference by a player who makes: 1. Contact with an opponent which interferes with the opponent’s legitimate effort to play the ball. 2. Intentional contact with a ball partially under or in the net and the opponent is attempting to play it again.
9-7 Faults Double Fault = Opposing players at same instant Multiple Fault = Same team, more than one violation of a single rule at same time. (2 people net) Simultaneous Fault = Same team, violates more than one rule (1 nets, 1 violates center line) Double Hit = illegal multiple contacts by one player Foot Fault = violates service line or center line
9-7 Foul Penalties 1. Single fault = loss of rally/point 2. Double fault a. Live ball = replay b. Dead ball = serving team 1 st, then receiving team, both teams rotate. 3. Multiple foul = only one penalty assessed. 4. Simultaneous foul a. Live ball = only one penalty assessed b. Dead Ball = all applicable penalties assessed
Net Play Video ng_materials/ /NetPlayUS221/story.html ng_materials/ /NetPlayUS221/story.html
9-8 Replays 1. Inadvertent whistle or timer interrupts play 2. Double whistle on serve 3. Unintentional serve prior to beckon 4. Double foul during live ball 5. Conflicting calls and cant resolve 6. Interference by non-team member in playable area, obstacle w/in 6’ of court, ball becomes motionless in net or overhead 7. Foreign object enters playing area 8. Player injury 9. Playable ball into vertical backboard in playable area
9-9 Unnecessary Delay 1. Team not ready to start play 2. Sub entering with illegal equip/uniform 3. Excessive requests for service order 4. Team delays substitution 5. Illegal substitute attempt 6. Illegal libero replacement (illegal alignment if signal for serve is given) 7. Repeated improper sub procedure 8. Injury decision takes more than 30 seconds 9. Delay in returning to court or liquid clean-up during time out. 10. Team not at bench or court during time out rd time out request 12. Libero enters outside of replacement zone.
Break Take a 5 minute break
Rule 8.1 – The Serve Definition – A serve is contact with the ball to initiate play. The server shall hit the ball w/ 1 hand, fist or arm while the ball is held, or after it is released by the server. The ball shall be contacted w/in 5 seconds after the R1 signal to serve. A serve contacting and crossing the net shall remain in play provided the ball is entirely within the net antennas. Art 2 – Server shall not touch the end line or floor outside the lines marking the width when the ball is contacted for the serve.
Rule 8 – The Serve Art 3 – A team’s term of service begin when a player assumes the right back position as the server and ends when a loss of rally is awarded. Art 4 – For teams w/ fewer than 6 players, each time a vacant position rotates to serve, a loss of rally/point is awarded the opponent.
Rule 8 – The Serve Art 5 – A player’s term of service begins when the player assumes the right back position as the server and ends when a loss of rally is awarded or a substitution for the player is made prior to the end of the team’s term of service. Each player may have only one re-serve during a team’s term of service.
Rule 8 – The Serve Art 6 – A re-serve shall be called when the server released the ball for service, then catches it or drops it to the floor. The R1 shall cancel the serve and direct a 2 nd and last attempt A re-serve is considered part of a single attempt to serve. No requests (TO, lineup, sub, etc.) may be recognized until after the ball has been served.
Rule 8.2 – The Serve (General) Art 5 – A serve is illegal and the ball remains dead if the server: a. Hits the ball illegally (Signal 3-Illegal Hit) b. Is touching the end line or floor outside the serving area when the ball is contacted (Signal 2-Line Violation) c. Does not contact ball w/in 5 seconds (Signal 4-Delay of Service)
Rule 8.2, Article 5 (cont) d. Is out of serving order (Signal 1-Illegal alignment Penalty 2) e. Deliberately serves prior to R1 beckon (Unsporting conduct) f. Releases to serve, then catches (or drops) more than once during term of service. (Signal 3-Illegal hit)
Rule 8.2 – The Serve (General) Art 6 – A served ball becomes dead when it: a. Does not legally cross the net (Signal 6-Net Fault) b. Crosses the net not entirely between antenna (Signal 14-Out of bounds) c. Touches the ceiling or any obstruction (Signal 14-Out of bounds)
Rule 8.2 – The Serve (General) Art 7 – When a receiving team player is out of position on the serve and: a. The ball is served illegally, serving team penalized. b. A service fault occurs, receiving team penalized
Penalties 1. For illegal serve, service fault, or receiving team out of position when there is an illegal serve, loss of rally/point awarded receiving team. 2. For the receiving team being out of position when there is a service fault, a point is awarded to the serving team. 3. For the server having a 2 nd re-serve during the teams term of service, a loss of rally/point is awarded the receiving team.
Professionalism Videos ng_materials/ /ProfIUS257/story.html ng_materials/ /ProfIUS257/story.html ng_materials/ /ProfIIUS259/story.html ng_materials/ /ProfIIUS259/story.html
Break Take another 5 minute break.
Officials Conduct Character Must be ethical, fair and honest. Be courteous. Have sense of humor. Conduct According to the Officials Code of Ethics. Attention to detail. Alertness. Quick reactions.
Officials Conduct Upon arriving 1. Wearing an official, clean neat uniform. No flashy jewelry. 2. Abstain from use of tobacco/alcohol. 3. Refuse to provide teams with information about present or future opponents. 4. Minimize contact with people other than contest management personnel before, during, and after the contest.
Officials Conduct During the match 1. Don’t coach or be overly familiar. 2. Be firm, courteous, dignified, positive, friendly, calm, poised, and always alert. 3. Make good use of humor without being silly. 4. Make impartial rulings. Never do a make-up call. 5. Refrain from foul language or gestures. 6. Ignore spectator reactions and remarks unless they interfere with the match. 7. Anticipate problem situations. 8. Accept the possibility of errors and, when appropriate, make corrections according to the rules. 9. Conduct an honest post match with your crew. Avoid media.
Officials Conduct After the match 1. Complete end-of-match duties. 2. Both officials should leave the gym together. 3. Neither avoid nor seek contact w/ coaches. 4. Refrain making statements to anyone. Media. 5. Complete post match with partner. 6. Report promptly any unsporting conduct after match.
Rule 12 - Conduct Video ng_materials/ /ArtSanctUS243/story.html ng_materials/ /ArtSanctUS243/story.html
Rule 12 - Conduct Definition – Unsporting conduct includes actions which are unbecoming to an ethical, fair, and honorable individual. It consists of acts of deceit, disrespect, or vulgarity and includes taunting.
12-2 Conduct: Players, Coaches Art 1 – No player, teammate, coach or team attendant shall act in an unsporting manner on or near the court before, during, or between sets. Art 2 – Tobacco use = red card Art 4 – A team shall not refuse to play when directed to do so by the R1.
12-2 Conduct: Players, Coaches Art 5 – Asst Coaches remain seated except to: a. Ask R2 to review score, TO used, serving order of their team, verify proper server for opponent. b. Stand at bench to greet replaced player. c. Confer w/ players during TO. d. Spontaneously react to outstanding play. e. Attend injured player with permission of referee.
12-2 Conduct: Players, Coaches Art 6 – Head coach may stand only in libero replacement zone to coach players. During play, HC shall be no closer to the court than 6’ from sideline. If a card is issued to HC, AC, or team bench, the HC shall remain seated for the remainder of the match except to: a. Request a TO or sub. b. Confer w/ officials during TO. c. Same situations (a-e) as asst. coach.
12-2 Conduct: Players, Coaches Art 7 – Teammates and other bench personnel shall remain seated on the team bench except to: a. Spontaneously react to an outstanding play. b. Warm up w/o volleyballs in a non playable area prior to entry into a set as a sub. c. Stand at the bench to greet a replaced player.
12-2 Conduct: Players, Coaches Art 8 – Unsporting conduct for coach, sub includes: a. Use of disconcerting acts or words when an opponent is about to play the ball. b. Entering the court while ball is in play. c. Attempting to influence a referee decision. d. Disrespectfully addressing match officials. e. Questioning a referee’s judgment. f. Disrespectfully addressing, baiting, taunting anyone involved in the contest.
12-2 Conduct: Players, Coaches Art 8 (coaches, subs cont) g. Using a sounding device (megaphone) for coaching purposes. h. Holding unauthorized conferences. i. Attempting the re-entry of a DQ’d player. j. Illegally leaving bench during the set. k. Making excessive requests to disrupt the set. l. Abusing the re-serve rule.
12-2 Conduct – Players, Coaches Art 9 – Unsporting conduct by player includes: a. Use of disconcerting acts/words when an opponent is about to play the ball. b. Disrespectfully addressing match officials. c. Questioning or trying to influence ref’s decision. d. Showing disgust w/ ref’s decision. e. Using profane/insulting language or gestures or baiting/taunting.
12-2 Conduct – Players, Coaches Art 9 (Player conduct cont) f. Making any contact with opponent deemed unnecessary and which incites roughness. g. Using any part of teammates body or any object to gain physical support to play ball. h. Deliberately serving prior to signal for serve. i. Abusing the re-serve rule. j. Spitting other than into proper receptacle. k. Making excessive requests to disrupt the set.
Conduct Penalties a. Yellow card (warning) for 1 st minor offense b. Red card (penalty) for 1 st major offense or 2 nd minor offense. Loss of rally/point to opponent. c. Red and yellow card (DQ) for 1 st flagrant offense, 2 nd serious offense, or 3 rd minor offense. Loss of rally/point and offender removed from match (player may remain on the bench, coach must leave facility).
Conduct Penalties (cont) d. Forfeit 1. DQ’d individual violates conduct rules following disqualification 2. Coach DQ’d and no authorized school personnel available to take bench 3. Team refuses to play when directed to do so by the R1.
Procedure for Conduct Penalties 1. Only the R1 administers cards. a. R1 blows whistle and hold card(s) in hand on the offending team’s side of the court with the arm outstretched, elbow bend 90 degrees and hands head high. b. Verbalize to R2 # of player(s) or which coach. c. R2 is responsible to make sure cards are recorded in comments portion of scoresheet
Procedure for Conduct Penalties 2. If R2 needs a card administered: a. Move to offending team’s side and step onto the court. b. Blow the whistle and verbalize the sanction to be assessed (indicate # of player or which coach) c. The R1 will then immediately administer cards.
Additional Player/Coach Conduct Items 1. Cards carry over from set to set in a match. 2. Bench misconduct that cannot be ID’d specifically, results in card to coach. 3. Cards given prior to a set are administered at the beginning of the next set (after lineups are recorded) 4. Requests (TO, serve order, sub, etc) are not recognized until after card(s) is administered
12-3 Spectator Conduct When a spectator becomes unruly or interferes with the orderly progress of the set, the R1 shall suspend the set until the host management resolves the situation and the set can proceed in an orderly manner. Note: If no school representative is present, the home head coach shall serve as the host management.