Freedom Senior High School Counseling Department Senior Breakfast Class of 2015
Administration and Counseling Staff Inez Bryant……… Principal David Anderson…….Director of Counseling Carolyn Wedge……Specialty Coordinator Roberto Rolong ………. A-Dia Kwame Yeboah……….. Dib-Ky Tasha Dykes…...…. L - Rey Ashley Johnson.. Ri-Z Michael Neurenberg.………. Career Counselor Teresa Vila…..… Guidance Secretary TBA….. Guidance Secretary Ellen Pierce…..……... Registrar Sarah Melendy……..Testing Coordinator
SOL Requirements For Graduating Classes of 2015: Standard: 1 Math, 1 Science, 1 Social Studies + English Reading and Writing and one of your choice in any core course for a total of 6. Advanced: 2 in each core area/ 1 more in any area + English reading and writing for a total of 9.
Number of Credits to Graduate Standard Diploma: 22 Credits 4 Credits of English (9, 10, 11, & 12) 3 Credits of Math (Alg I Part I, Alg I Part II, Geometry, or Algebra I, Geometry or higher) 3 Credits of Science (E. Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics) 3 Credits of Social Science (W. History, US & VA History and US & VA Government) 1 Credit of Fine or Practical Art 2 Credits of P.E. 6 Electives (2 of which must be consecutive) 1 Credit in Economics and Fianance
Number of Credits to Graduate Advanced Studies Diploma Credits of English (9, 10, 11, & 12) 4 Credits of Math (Alg I Part I, Alg I Part II, Geometry and Algebra II or Alg I, Geometry, Alg II, and any other math above Alg II. 4 Credits of Science (E. Science, Biology, Chemistry or Physics) 4 Credits of Social Science (W. History, W. Geography, U.S. & VA History, U.S. & VA Government. 3 Credits of a Foreign Language or 2 years of each of 2 different languages. Also counts as consecutive electives. 1 Credit of Fine or Practical Art 2 Credits of P.E. 1-2 Electives 1 Credit Economics and Personal Finance
College Application Procedure Request an application from the colleges that you are interested in or apply online. Apply anywhere from at least to 3-6 colleges. It is your responsibility to check the admission requirements for each school. Start a folder for each college. Before mailing your application, photocopy it and save the copy in that college’s folder. It is your responsibility to submit the application directly to the college or university.
College Application Procedures (cont.) Transcript request forms are done only through Naviance. Print all information and give necessary forms to your counselor. Include a legal size envelope with one 42 cent stamp. Freedom sends out three free transcripts. After that, each additional transcript will cost $5.00. Please allow five working days for the school’s portion to be processed without teacher recommendations. If there are counselor recommendations involved, please allow up to another 5 days. Counselor recommendations will require a resume. The Easter PWC Schools College Fair will be held on Oct. 22, 2014 at Woodbridge High School. It will run from 6 – 8 p.m.
College Application Procedure (Cont.) If letters of recommendation from teachers are necessary, it is your responsibility to obtain them. Please allow teachers 5-10 working days to write your letter. It is helpful if you give them your resume when requesting your letter. These working days are before a postmarked deadline. If there is a deadline that says received by, you must allow an additional 5-7 days for the postal service to deliver the mail. Class Rank and GPA are computed during the first part of October, at the end of the first term in January and at the end of the year. Senior grades are important! At the end of the first term, your new GPA and Class Ranking are sent to all of the colleges to which you have applied.
SAT TEST DATES 2014 – 2015 Test Dates TESTRegular DeadlineLate Deadline Fee Applies Oct. 11, 2015SAT & Subject TestsSept. 12, 2014Sept. 30, 2014 November 8, 2014SAT & Subject TestsOctober 9, 2014October 28, 2014 December 6, 2014SAT & Subject TestsNovember 6, 2014November 24, 2014 January 24, 2015SAT & Subject TestsDecember 29, 2014January 13, 2015 March 14, 2015SAT ONLYFebruary 13, 2015March 3, 2015 May 2, 2015SAT & Subject TestsApril 6, 2015April 21, 2015 June 6, 2015SAT & Subject TestsMay 8, 2015May 27, 2015
ACT TEST DATES Test DateRegistration Deadline(Late Fee Required) September 13, 2014August 8, 2014August 9-22, 2014 October 25, 2014Sept. 19, 2014Sept. 20- Oct. 3, 2014 December 13, 2014November 7, 2014November 8 – 21, 2014 February 7, 2015January 9, 2015January 10-16, 2015 April 18, 2015March 13, 2015March , 2015 June 13, 2015May 8, 2015May 9- 22, 2015
COSTS OF EXAMS SAT Reasoning Test $52.50 SAT Subject Test (Basic Registration Fee) $26.00 per test Language Arts with Listening add $26.00 per test All other Subject Tests add $16.00 Late fee is $28.00 added to cost of test Students receiving free or reduced lunch are eligible for up to two (2) fee waivers ACT (No Writing) $38.00 ACT plus writing $ Late registration fee add $24.00 to cost of test
College & Career Resources Military Recruiters will be available to meet with interested students during lunch in the school cafeteria. Virginia College Quest: an online guide to college success for students with disabilities. SAT Testing Calendar and Registration visit ACT Testing Calendar and Registration visit The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is and alternative test from the SAT and ACT for students whom English is their second language.
College & Career Resources Common Application: is available at Great way to simplify the application process for students applying to more than one college.
Career Center Resources Employment Information The Job Hut located in Manassas Mall. Offers employment and career services to youth years of age. Call (703) for hours and information. Virginia Employment Commission Minnieville Rd, Woodbridge, VA offers services to those looking for employment. Call (703) for more information. Prince William County One-Stop Employment Center located in the Ferlazzo Building Donald Curtis Dr. Suite 180, Woodbridge, VA offers free employment services to all county residents. Call (703) for more information.
Career Center Resources This year FSHS is pleased to continue the usage of Naviance into the Guidance program. Naviance can be accessed from anywhere, and allows its users to stay on top of their college and career choices. All students will be registered into Naviance and will have access to all of its college and career information. There will be a link to Naviance website on the FHS webpage. Also, the Freedom webpage of Naviance can be reached directly at: Students must be registered before they can gain access. Training for seniors will be held in September.