Project Visibility: LGBT Sensitivity Training For Homewatch CareGivers Employees Information provided by Boulder County Aging Services Division
LGBT: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered
Invisibility Most LGBT seniors are in the closet—many providers do not realize they are serving LGBT seniors. Many LGBT seniors experience a double invisibility as the LGBT community is not always acknowledging their existence.
LGBT Elders: 1-3 Million Americans Over 65 Are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender By 4 Million will be Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender 5 times less likely to access services Live alone May not have traditional family support May be isolated from LGBT community Face poverty and economic insecurity
Up to 75 % of LGBT older adults live alone and an estimated 90% do not have children NGLTF 1999 Study of NY Gay Seniors revealed that 2/3 could not identify who would provide care to them if they grew ill
Homewatch CareGivers does not discriminate.
Concerns for LGBT Elders Increased isolation Increased depression Unnecessary/premature institutionalization Neglect
Strengths of LGBT elders Self Reliant Creates own support network Have experienced an “ism” – feeling marginalized from mainstream culture Have developed coping skills in dealing with a hostile environment
Heterosexism Heterosexual Privilege Homophobia Internalized Homophobia
Gender Identity Transgender Closet or Closeted Out
Acceptance Is the ability to listen, respond and provide care to all clients/residents regardless of personal feelings, beliefs or values about their characters or behaviors.
Don’t Make Assumptions
Inclusive Language Examples: Using the word “partner” wherever there is an inquiry into marital status Asking “who do you consider family?’
Discrimination is Unconscious Ageism Sexism Homophobia Religious intolerance Racism Intolerance of differences
Recommendations/Practical Solutions You Can Do Now Don’t make assumptions Respond neutrally, allow elders to share what they want to Inclusive language Trainings: Encourage Colleagues Reporting Problems Talk to office staff about resources
Resources Project Visibility Rainbow Elders SAGE Boulder Pride