English 101 April 20 and 21 AGENDA: Peer editing Make Up Book Reports Goal: to give and receive constructive feedback on our rough drafts in an effort to produce a better final draft.
Announcements – Summer job: Park Ambassador for Point Defiance Park! Find the job description here: – Seniors see Ms. Toy to order your cap and gown if you haven’t already. If you ordered items in addition to cap/gown, they are in the office. See Ms. Toy for these. Also, turn in your VANI form to the office along with copies of your college acceptance letters. These are due at the end of April. – Camp permission slips and payments are due at the end of April. – Depression Group (now known as Self-Care Support Group) meets Tuesdays during lunch in Portable C, and Fridays at 9:30 in Portable K. – Join us for Parks Appreciation Day (also Earth Day)- on April 23rd from starting at the Pagoda. Bring the family and support our partnership with Metro Parks Tacoma. – College in the High School forms due to Ms. Toy by April 29.
Homework – Using the feedback you received today, write a final draft of your essay. – Be sure to have some one read your final draft before turning it in. This final review can catch some of the little mistakes you made. – Bring a hard copy of all three drafts to class on Monday/Tuesday. Bring your rubric also.
Rough Draft Peer Editing – Go through the Peer Editing Activity with two different people. – Let me know when you are finished.
Make Up Book Report Presentations