The Trojan War: Prelude to The Odyssey
Who is Odysseus? A Greek king of Ithaca who was called to fight in the Trojan War. Hero of the Trojan War by thinking of the clever “Trojan Horse” strategy Not a noble victor; he and other Greek warriors acted in ways that displeased the gods. The angry gods punished them by making the journey home extremely difficult.
The Apple of Discord The Trojan War was actually started by several gods and goddesses. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite were at a wedding of an immortal couple when another goddess, Eris (Discord), jealous of not being invited, tossed a golden apple labeled “For the Fairest” into the banquet.
The Judgment of Paris Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite started fighting over the apple After the fighting, they decided to find an impartial judge, Paris, prince of Troy. The goddesses weren't done yet, though, they all tried to bribe Paris. One offered power, one offered wisdom, and one offered Helen, the most beautiful woman in Greece.
The Judgment of Paris Unfortunately, there was a slight problem… Helen was the wife of Menelaus and he was not happy to find out his wife was the “prize”. Paris, on the other hand, didn’t mind at all. He was happy to accept Aphrodite’s bribe, Helen.
The Abduction of Helen Paris kidnapped Helen from Sparta. This was the reason for the war between Greece and Troy Menelaus gathered many men and launched 1,000 ships to Troy to bring his wife Helen home (“the face that launched a thousand ships”). Agamemnon (brother of Menelaus), Achilles (a great warrior), and Odysseus (king of Ithaca) joined the battle.
The Trojan War The battle raged for 10 years. Many famous warriors from both sides died in the war: Achilles, Paris, Hector. Odysseus survived. Achilles killed Hector, a Trojan warrior, and dragged his body from a chariot. Paris killed Achilles when an arrow hits his one weak spot, his heel.
The Trojan Horse Odysseus thought of the “Trojan Horse” strategy. The Greeks built the wooden horse large enough for a group of warriors to hide in. They left the horse outside the gates of Troy and the silly Trojans believed it was an offering from the Greeks. When night came, the warriors left the horse and attacked the sleeping city The remainder of the Greek forces were waiting offshore in their boats ready to join the battle. The Greeks defeated the Trojans.
The Iliad and the Trojan War Homer’s 1st Epic Serves as a prequel to The Odyssey The epic only deals with about 20 days in the 10th and final year of the Trojan War Homer concentrates on one main Greek hero, Achilles, and one main opposing hero for the Trojans, Hector. As the epic begins, Achilles is furious with King Agamemnon over a slave girl, Briseis, and sulking in his tent, refusing to fight.**The epic begins in the middle or in media res** The Trojans start winning and beating back the Greeks. But, when Hector kills Achilles’ best friend, Patroclus, Achilles becomes enraged and returns to battle for the sole purpose of destroying Hector. After Hector’s death, Achilles is killed by Paris, but the Trojans never recover from the loss of Hector and finally, Troy falls.
The start of The Odyssey The Odyssey begins ten years after the end of the Trojan War. The gods, unhappy with the victorious Greeks, have hindered their journey home. Poseidon is angry that Odysseus took all of the credit for the victory and did not thank him for sending sea serpents to kill the Trojan prophet who said the horse was dangerous. Athena was angry that Odysseus violated her temple while sacking Troy. Odysseus has lost all of his men and is being held prisoner on Calypso’s (a sea nymph’s) island.
The start of The Odyssey After 10 years, Athena starts to feel bad for Odysseus. Suitors have taken over Odysseus’ home and are pressuring Penelope to choose a new husband. Athena speaks for him and asks Zeus to allow him to return home to his wife, Penelope, and his son, Telemachus. Athena then tells Telemachus to look for his father, and thereby become a man.
The Odyssey Epic poem- long, narrative poem that tells about the adventures of a hero who reflects the ideals and values of a nation or race. Composed sometime around 800 B.C. – 600 B.C. Composed by Homer a. Homer did not create the Odyssey, he told the story orally. However, Homer was rumored to be a blind storyteller. He would NOT have been able to write. b. The Odyssey was being told orally through storytellers long before Homer wrote it down (?)
Characteristics of the EPIC: 1.Has an epic hero 2. Often written in poetry form but not always 3. Often includes myths, legends, and history 4. Usually has a serious tone and language 5. Deals with a quest 6. Often based on some truths 7. Includes epithets & flashbacks 8. Usually involves a battle and oftentimes a single combat like Achilles fighting Hector or the final showdown between Harry and Lord Voldemort Other National EPICS are: Greek = The Iliad by Homer Spanish = El Cid Roman = The Aeneid by Virgil American = Forest Gump English = Harry Potter Series Percy Jackson & Olympians Series
Epic Hero 1. A larger-than-life figure, usually male, who embodies the ideals of a nation or race. 2. Take part in long, dangerous adventures and accomplish great deeds that require courage and superhuman strength. 3. Often, the divine world of the gods or other supernatural forces will interfere with the human world of the epic hero. Some epic heroes: - Harry Potter - Frodo from Lord of the Rings - Luke Skywalker from Star Wars