Kaiso™ 24 WG Insecticide Lambda-Cyhalothrin on Sorbie™ Wettable Granules Darin Allred, Tom Kroll, Kinney Carlton
Kaiso™ 24WG Insecticide Registrations 24% Lambda-Cyhalothrin Federal registration received in August Most state registrations have been received CA anticipated in early 2008 Product will be available for sale in February/March
Kaiso 24WG Insecticide Profile Kaiso is a unique formulation of Lambda Cyhalothrin made from the patented Sorbie technology that forms a Wettable Granule and functions as an Emulsifiable Concentrate when it is mixed with water. The unique formulation of Kaiso provides a source of Lambda Cyhalothrin that has: The handling benefits of a Wettable Granule, The quick knockdown of an Emulsifiable Concentrate, and The residual, broad spectrum performance of Lambda Cyhalothrin
Kaiso Technology – From dry WG to EC in Solution Close up of Sorbie absorbent material High quality wettable granule Rapid dispersion in solution Formation of an Emulsifiable Concentrate in solution
Kaiso 24 WG Speed of Kill Trial – Corn Earworm - Sweet Corn Lab Study Year: 2006Investigator(s): Kuhar and Doughty Crop/Variety: Sweet CornInvestigative Group: Virginia Tech Target Pest(s): Corn EarwormLocation: Painter, VA Application Dates: Not Specified Details: Ten leaves per treatment dipped in solution, placed in a cup with 1 larva; Leaves monitored at various intervals for larval mortality
Kaiso 24 WG Speed of Kill Trial – Stink Bug – Bean Lab Study Year: 2007Investigator(s): Kuhar and Doughty Crop/Variety: BeanInvestigative Group: Virginia Tech Target Pest(s): Brown Stink BugsLocation: Painter, VA Application Dates: June 21 application Details: Bean pods were dipped in treatments; and infested with 5 insects per petri dish at various intervals after exposure. Records were made on the dead or intoxicated insects
Kaiso 24WG – Potato Leafhopper – Alfalfa Year: 2006Investigator(s): Jensen Crop/Variety: AlfalfaInvestigative Group: University of Wisconsin Target Pest(s): Potato LeafhopperLocation: Arlington, WI Application Dates: 6/23 Details: Observations made on the number of nymphs and adults from 20 sweeps per plot with a 15 inch diameter net on 6/25, 6/27, 6/30, and 7/7 Treatments are significantly different from untreated
Kaiso 24 WG – Stinkbug - Cotton Year: 2007Investigator(s): Smith and Davis Crop/Variety: CottonInvestigative Group: Auburn University Target Pest(s): Stinkbug Location: Headland, AL Application Dates: Foliar applications made 8/14 Details: Data were obtained on 8/21, 8/28, and 9/4 from 25 quarter diameter soft bolls per treatment and assessing for internal damage; A 4 row x 220 ft area of the plot was harvested on 10/17
Kaiso – Crop Safety Crop Injury has not been observed in any of the trials Trials conducted over two years testing (2006/2007) Testing of multiple states Testing in multiple crops
Kaiso 24 WG – Lepidoptera - Cotton Year: 2006Investigator(s): Smith and Davis Crop/Variety: Cotton/DPL 565Investigative Group: Auburn University Target Pest(s): Bollworm and Tobacco Budworm (predominant) Location: Prattville, AL Application Dates: Foliar applications made 8/23 Details: Data were obtained on 8/28 (5DAT) from 20 small squares or small bolls from the center of two rows of each plot
Kaiso 24 WG – Stinkbug on Cotton Year: 2006Investigator(s): Smith and Davis Crop/Variety: Cotton/DPL 555Investigative Group: University of Alabama Target Pest(s): Stinkbug Location: Headland, AL Application Dates: Foliar applications made 8/22 Details: Data were obtained on 8/29 and 9/5 from 25 quarter diameter soft bolls per treatment and assessing for internal damage
Kaiso 24 WG – Bollworm on Cotton Year: 2007Investigator(s): Herbert Crop/Variety: Cotton/DP 434 RRInvestigative Group: Virginia Tech Target Pest(s): Bollworm Location: Suffolk, VA Application Dates: Foliar applications made 8/2 and 8/8 Details: Data were obtained on 8/15, 8/22, and 8/29 from 25 bolls per plot on external damage; Cotton was harvested 9/26 Karate is significantly different from the Untreated on day 14 and 21 and Kaiso on day 21
Kaiso 24 WG – Yield on Cotton Year: 2007Investigator(s): Herbert Crop/Variety: Cotton/DP 434 RRInvestigative Group: Virginia Tech Target Pest(s): Bollworm Location: Suffolk, VA Application Dates: Foliar applications made 8/2 and 8/8 Details: Data were obtained on 8/15, 8/22, and 8/29 from 25 bolls per plot on external damage; Cotton was harvested 9/26 Treatments are significantly different from untreated
Kaiso 24 WG – Cotton Fleahopper on Cotton Year: 2006Investigator(s): Smith and Davis Crop/Variety: Cotton/Stoneville 6565 BGII RRFInvestigative Group: Auburn University Target Pest(s): Cotton Fleahopper Location: Headland, AL Application Dates: Foliar applications made 8/22 Details: Data were obtained on 8/23, 8/25, and 8/29 from 10 white blooms per plot
Cotton – Labeled Uses Target PestsTarget Rate Lb ai/Aoz/A Cabbage Looper Cotton Fleahopper Cotton Leafperforator Cotton Leafworm Lygus Bug Species3 Pink Bollworm Saltmarsh Ceterpillar 0.02 – – 2.0 Target PestsTarget Rate Lb ai/Aoz/A Bandedwing Whitelfy2,3 Beet Armyworm1,3 Boll Weevil Brown Stink Bug Cotton Aphid2,3 Cotton Bollworm European Corn Borer Fall Armyworm Green Stink Bug Southern Green Stink Bug Sweet Potato Whitefly2,3 Tobacco Budworm3 Two-spotted Spider Mite – – 2.67 Target PestsTarget Rate Lb ai/Aoz/A Cutworm species Soybean Thrips Tobacco Thrips – – 1.33 Numbers after insects indicate footnotes – Consult the label for detail
Kaiso – Wide Range of Uses Alfalfa Canola Corn Including Sweet Corn Rice Sorghum Wheat/Triticale Cole Crops Cotton Fruiting Vegetables Legume Vegetables Soybeans Lettuce Onion Peanuts Pome Fruits Stone Fruits Sugarcane Sunflowers Tobacco Tree Nuts Conifer and Deciduous Trees Plantations, Nurseries, Seed Orchards Non-Cropland Excluding Public Land
Use Rate and Packaging Considerations