Sines Demography and Social Considerations Rita Marques dos Santos Rita Aguiar Gabriela Ruggeri Torunn Vainio Gjooen 83000
Municipality of Sines Total area: 203 km 2 Total population: inhabitants
Porto Covo Sines hab 87,9 hab/km hab 21,3 hab/km 2 Density Data taken from INE, 2013
Bairro Marítimo 201 inhab/ha Bairro Marítimo 201 inhab/ha Populational Density Data taken from INE, 2013
Bairro Soeiro Pereira Gomes 71 inhab/ha City Center 97 inhab/ha Data taken from INE, 2013 Populational Density
Bairro 1º de Maio 38 inhab/ha Bairro da Quinta dos Passarinhos 71 inhab/ha Data taken from INE, 2013 Populational Density
Bairro dos Pescadores 69 inhab/ha Bairro da Quinta do Meio 10 inhab/ha Data taken from INE, 2013 Populational Density
Data taken from Carta Educativa de Sines, 2001, and INE, – Colonial War begins 1961 – Migratory Outbreak begins 1973 – World Oil Crisis 1974 – Colonial War ends 1978 – Comercial Port and Oil Terminal start operating 1981 – Petrochemical Terminal starts operating 1987 – Construction works at the Coal Terminal end 1993 – Cargo Terminal starts operating 2001 – Construction works at Terminal XXI begin
Data taken from INE, 2013
Data taken from INE, 2011
Data taken from Carta Educativa de Sines, 2001
Data taken from Novo PDM, 2007 and INE, 2011
Data taken from PDM of Sines, 1991 and 2001, and INE
Sines is the smallest municipality in Alentejo, but it is also the one with the highest populational density. Most people reside in the city of Sines, while only a few reside in Porto Covo. The demographic evolution was highly influenced by historical and industrial events. The majority of the population is of working age (25-64) and has completed Basic Education. The tendency is the aging of the population, since the Rate of Natural Increase shows negative values, but Sines is still the municipality of Alentejo with the most youthful population. Today, most of the population is employed in Services (Tourism) and Industry. Conclusions