Tie Breaker… What new ideas did the Roman Empire come up with?
Rules of Jeopardy 1.Everyone will work in pairs or groups of 3, with one recording paper for each group. 2. Your recording paper should have your names at the top and a table that contains, the category of the question, the point value, the answer and the total point for the team. (see example) This table must be turned in at the end of class… 3.The team with the most points wins…. A homework pass 4.If anyone should shout out an answer then everyone in the class will not be eligible to receive the points for the question And your group will lose 50 points 5. How the points add up Correct answers add the assigned point value to your total score, incorrect answer subtract that point value from your score… Question Category Point valueAnswerTotal Group score
Powerpoint Jeopardy Rome wasn’t built in a day The Republic - SPQR Et Tu & the Fall of the Republic Name that Emperor/ Person Going, Going Gone
What three groups of settlers were essential to the foundation of Rome. *bonus 10 points – which of these groups gave the Romans the technology of the Arch? -The Latins, Etruscans, and Greeks - The Etruscans Category 1 – 10 points
What mountain range protected Rome from invasion from the north… or so they thought? -The Alps -Category 1 – 20 points
The Roman hierarchy of gods was adapted from the _____. -Greeks Category 1 – 30 points
-What ancient civilization first settled central Italy? -The Latins Category 1 – 40 points
How was the geography of Italy essential to the development of the Roman Empire? - Placement in Mediterranean = trade & westward expansion, fertile area = good crops, Middle of Italian Peninsula = good position for conquest… Category 1 – 50 points
Who was the Romans main enemy during the Republic period? - The Carthaginians Category 2 – 10 points
What were the two main social divisions in the Roman Republic? *Bonus 10 points – which of these groups originally were the only ones allowed to be members of the Senate? -The Patricians and the Plebeians -The Patricians Category 2 – 20 points
What was a Consul? - 2 men who Commanded the army & directed the Government, term limited to one year & could not be elected again for 10 years. One consul could veto the other. Category 2 – 30 points
1. Who were the Gracchus Brothers? - Consuls who attempted to institute popular reforms in Roman that would help the plebeians/ poor ex-farmers. 2. What happened to these Brothers? - They were assassinated Category 2 – 40 points
1. What was the job of the Tribunes? - 10 members elected annually to defend the rights of the Assembly (citizens/ plebeians) 2. How did the Punic wars weaken Rome as a republic? - economic, social, and political problems… Category 2 – 50 points
What River did Julius Caesar cross to when marching his legion on Rome and ending the Republic? (often this river is referenced in a phrase when people say they have reached the point of no return) -Crossing the Rubicon Category 3 – 10 points
What did Augustus become once he defeated Cleopatra and Marc Anthony in a civil war for control of Rome? What are positive/ negative aspects of this new governmental position? -Emperor -He served for life, could be an efficient form of government or it could be Nero. -Category 3 – 20 points
What was the Pax Romana? Who established it? -A time period of relative peace in Roman History. Augustus -Category 3 – 30 points
How did the Army help lead to the fall of the Republic? - Made the army loyal to the generals b/c they paid, equipped, and trained the soldiers. Beginning of military leaders running Rome. Category 3 – 40 points
Who was Hannibal? - Carthaginian general who invaded Rome from the North. Category 3 – 50 points
The ‘revered one’ -Augustus Category 4 – 10 points
Known as a great engineer who fortified the Roman empire (literally) and codified Roman law - Hadrian Category 4 – 20 points
The Emperor who Divided the Roman Empire -Diocletian Category 4 – 30 points
Fought Augustus (Octavian) for control of the Roman empire. - Anthony and Cleopatra Category 4 – 40 points
Thought the Sun revolved around the earth. - Ptolemy Category 4 – 50 points
Who was spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire? - Paul, and Peter, the first Pope of Rome. Category 5 – 10 points
Define Inflation - The decline in the value of $ Category 5 – 20 points
1. What was the #1 reason for the fall of the Roman empire according to the textbook? 2. What were some examples of the social decay of Rome? 1. The division of the Empire 2. Loss of self reliance, rich & poor divisions, lack of interest or desire to preserve Rome, fall of traditional social systems. Category 5 – 30 points
Wrote a history of Rome to inspire people to return to the old ways. - Livy Category 5 – 40 points
1. Name the two barbarian tribes that invaded Rome in the 400’s? (they have had a bad rap ever since) -the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths Category 5 – 50 points