Roman Republic
Geography questions Which features would make the Italian Peninsula a hard place to attack? Which features do you think would help Rome trade? Where do you think it would be easy for Rome to expand to?
Geography of Rome Why is the Italian Peninsula a good place for a settlement? How was Rome protected geographically? Centrally located in Mediterranean far from eastern powers. Alps Mountains Mediterranean Sea
Geography of Rome How else did geography help Rome? Mediterranean Sea for trade
Founding of Rome 1. Romulus and Remus Raised by a wolf, brothers restore the king and found a city. Romulus kills Remus and names the city after himself. There are two myths about how Rome was founded.
Founding of Rome Virgil’s Aeneid Trojans fleeing Troy land on Italian Peninsula and their descendants found Rome. There are two myths about how Rome was founded.
Roman Republic What is a republic? Who was a citizen in Rome? Two types of citizens in the Roman Republic representative democracy (Citizens elect people to represent them ) Free adult men and some foreigners. Plebeians Patricians
Roman Republic Plebeians Patricians Larger group of people Common people Smaller group of people Nobles
Roman Republic Responsibilities of a citizen Pay taxes serve in the military vote
Roman Republic Who is in makes decisions? Who helps them make decisions? How do people have a say? Two consuls The Senate Voting in the Assembly for Consuls and Senators
Roman Republic
Important Roman law code What did it do? Twelve Tables Protected the rights of the plebeians
Punic Wars ( BCE) Who was involved? Why were they fighting? Which civilization was larger? Rome and Carthage Control of trade in Mediterranean Sea Carthage
Punic Wars ( BCE) Who was the leader of Carthage? How did he invade the Italian Peninsula? Hannibal Marching over the Alps
Punic Wars ( BCE)
Results of the Punic Wars Rome defeats Carthage Carthage is destroyed Rome controls Mediterranean sea trade
Roman expansion Why did Rome expand? Where did the Roman Republic expand? Control of new territory New people to tax Spoils of war (gold, slaves) Italy Greece Spain Gaul (France) Egypt
Roman expansionism
Roman Religion Where did the Romans get their mythology? What is mythology? From the Greeks Stories that explain: – Natural phenomena – Human qualities – Life events
Roman Religion Why was mythology important in Roman life? Helped people to understand the world around them. Used as symbols in art, literature, and architecture
Roman Religion Jupiter Juno Father of the gods God of sky and thunder (Zeus) Queen of the gods Goddess of women (Hera)
Roman Religion Apollo Diana God of the sun, music, and knowledge (Apollo) Goddess of the moon and the hunt (Artemis)
Roman Religion Minerva Venus Goddess of wisdom and the arts (Athena) Goddess of love and beauty (Aphrodite)