Please title your notes: Classical Rome Divide one page in your notebook into sections, label those sections: Politics and Science & Culture
According to Roman mythology, twin brothers Romulus and Remus, were abandoned by their god and goddess parents. The set in a woven basket and sent down the Tiber river to die, but they were protected the river deity Tiberinus. They were raised by a she wolf Eventually they decide to build a city but there is a dispute on where to build it Romulus kills Remus and builds his city on Palatine hill…..this city is called….ROME!
Roman Republic 509 B.C.E Government made up of a king and elected Magistrates. Magistrates include; Consuls – Military Command Senators – Ranking Nobility The magistrates were initially made up of Patricians (elite) but was eventually open to the Plebians (public). Made decisions for Roman laws, foreign affairs, and the economy.
Julius Caesar Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus form a triumvirate to take control of the Republic Pompey’s wife (Caesar’s daughter) dies, Crassus is defeated in battle, Julius was victorious and declared dictator for life Later he would be assassinated by the senators who once supported him – led by his enemies Cassius and Brutus
Mark Anthony and Caesar’s great- nephew, Octavian joined forces to take down Cassius and Brutus. They were joined by Lepidus forming the second triumvirate of Rome Eventually this triumvirate dissolves Octavian is able to defeat Mark Anthony and his new lady, Cleopatra (they are so sad they commit suicide)
Augustus Caesar (Octavian) Earns the title Augustus First Emperor of Rome Started what would eventually become 200 years of peace in the Roman empire This time period is known as Pax Romana ( Roman Peace)
Roman Empire during the Reign of Octavian
12 Tables The Roman Codec (book) of laws that governed Roman society Punishments include; fine, fetters, retaliation in kind, civil disgrace, banishment, slavery and death
Republic – Roman Government that is very similar to our govt. in the U.S. Elected officials make decisions for the people. Julius Caesar – Greatly expanded Rome. Declared dictator for life, only to be assassinated. Octavian – Started 200 years of Pax Romana or Roman Peace 12 Tables – Roman codec of laws that defined crimes and punishments
Architecture Raised water transportation system called aqueducts Concrete Arch Bridges Baths Harbors Lighthouses Famous examples… The Coliseum Leaning Tower Tower of Hercules
Mathematics Roman Numerals… I =1 V=5 X=10 L = 50 C=100 M= 1000 Etc…. The way we add and subtract Roman Numerals… If the smaller number is before the large number subtract. If the smaller number is after the large number we add
First person to solve the equation gets NOTHING! IIX – IV + XI = ?
Culture… Music Education Girls Sewing Spinning Weaving Boys Reading Writing Physical Ed. Clothing – Toga/Tunic
Gladiators Slaves were made to fight in the Coliseum Sometimes they would fight each other Sometimes they were thrown in with Tigers, Lions, Bears…Oh my!
Science Advancements in architecture and mathematics Roman Numerals Bridges Concrete Harbors Aqueducts Culture Valued education, art, literature, and violence… Boys educated in reading, writing, phys. Ed Girls educated in weaving, sewing, spinning Togas Gladiators Sculptures