Tonka Krešić, mag. iur. BY BOLOGNA 1. Sarajevo 2. Banja Luka 3. Mostar 4. Bihać 5. Istočno Sarajevo 6.DŽ. B. Mostar 7. Zenica 8. Tuzla
1st generation of Bologna students 2005/2006 1st generation of Bologna students 2005/2006. Personal excperience Idea- where did it go ??????? BiH in Bologna process 2003 Prague Berlin Bergen in London Lueven 2009 Jubilee summit in Budapest and Vienna,
Increasing activities in QA Students- experts Student is a part of Commission – equal partner of 5 members
… in practice means what ?? role of students- equal partners students ‘’the real experts on the issue quality assurance’’
Yes, you are a maser of law (or whatever) - but actallyyou do not exist Yes, you are a maser of law (or whatever) - but actally you do not exist.- EXAMPLE Could you please explain that! Pretty please ;-) Pretty please ;-)
RS brought regulation about academic title much more earlier. Neutral observer could notice that it looks like we do not live in same country
One of basic ground that bologna is based on is mobility of student all around Europe. Ironically in BiH we are not in possibility to travel around one entity. Mostar 5+0 Sarajevo 4+1 Banja Luka
Doctor study go to EUROPE, but how ? ? Universities partly stopped, doctorate studies are not being formed fast enough
Before After Scholarship: 0-100,00 KMScholarship: 1.500, ,00 KM Other costs: 1.Accommodation = 500, 00 KM + bills 2.Books, food 3.Wardrobe and shoes are considered as luxury
From 4 3 years = sorry, but NO From 4 5 years = Instead making studying shorter and having work labor that is ready for market earlier opposite thing happened
‘’Springing up like mushrooms after the rain.’’ Questionable quality
The role of students in the long-term objectives has been identified as one of the most important topics for future discussions within the Bologna process and the fact we are aware that the role of students from day to day changes, and despite the constant increase of interest of the students with the academic staff to practice their roles and potential process control and quality assurance is quite underestimated in lot of universities. students ‘’the real experts on the issue quality assurance’’; students knows the best how does ideally education and study environment should look like. " Therefore, they have a genuine interest in the evaluation of higher education
1. It is necessary to have a lot more students participating at all levels of decision. Participate should not only be legally permitted but effectively encouraged by providing the necessary resources to actively participate in both formal and in informal approach. 2. This promotion may include mechanisms for identifying and confirming experiences, competencies and skills that are acquired as a student representative. It should also require that all interested parties participate effectively in motivating not only to become a Student Representative, but also to participate in elections and decision-making process
3. Further involvement brings further responsibilities and requirements. Mechanisms for ensuring accountability, transparency and information flow to other students should be a priority. 4. There is an ethical obligation to surrender the acquired knowledge to effectively represent the student is independent of the shift of individual student representatives
5. Student organizations should be supported in the collection of financial, logistical and human resources necessary to achieve equality of participation. Information and motivated students are often the force behind beneficial reforms instead of a mere grain of sand in the hourglass. 6. Universities to ensure student participation and student organizations that are organized to participate must be considered a real school of citizenship and the factors of social development, not only locally but also in the framework of international solidarity, responsibility and cooperation. If you work at this level of effective, then the society will create the right environment for higher education institutions, and not vice versa
Work in the student organizations should be recognized and valued like an average student engagement in the range of 40-hour work for week during one school year provide sources of funding for student organizations in order to guarantee the independence of their work,
Grade that professor was evaluated by students, should be one of the criteria for professors further advancement higher education institutions need to promote the importance of participation and involvement in student organizations The legal minimum percentage of student participation in the bodies of universities and faculties must not be less than 30 percent, aiming to be in the future, 50 percent of which will represent a true partnership
Thx to Jelena & Maja, and Boris, of course…
Zenica + Sarajevo + Banja luka + Istočno Sarajevo + Mostar + Bihać + MostarDŽ.B. STUDENTS EXPERTS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Gent FUTURE OF QA in BIH