EGI-InSPIRE RI Future of the Technology Helpdesk Helmut Dres, CF Manchester1 Proposal for the transition from the current technology helpdesk to the new framework for software support.
EGI-InSPIRE RI Technology Helpdesk current status Helmut Dres, CF Manchester2 The Technology Helpdesk – current status Special view on EMI/SAGA/IGE related GGUS tickets Specific parameters: ETA, Affected component, Affected component version In production since 2011 Currently 38 Support Units Around 1800 tickets Tickets are listed in a dedicated dashboard Special permissions required to access tickets and dashboard
EGI-InSPIRE RI Current workflow Helmut Dres, CF Manchester3 Submit ticket Required rights: Registered user Browser certificate
EGI-InSPIRE RI Current workflow Helmut Dres, CF Manchester4 Search ticket Required rights: Registered user Browser certificate
EGI-InSPIRE RI Current workflow Helmut Dres, CF Manchester5 Update ticket Required rights: Registered user + it is my ticket Browser certificate + it is my ticket Support staff
EGI-InSPIRE RI Current workflow Helmut Dres, CF Manchester6 Technology Helpdesk Dashboard Required rights: DMSU EMI/SAGA/IGE
EGI-InSPIRE RI Current workflow Helmut Dres, CF Manchester7 Update ticket in technology helpdesk Required rights: Registered user + it is my ticket Browser certificate + it is my ticket Support staff (only read) DMSU EMI/SAGA/IGE
EGI-InSPIRE RI Proposal Helmut Dres, CF Manchester8 Leave Technology Helpdesk as it is - but adapt rights to GGUS Required rights: Registered user + it is my ticket Browser certificate + it is my ticket Support staff (only read) DMSU EMI/SAGA/IGE
EGI-InSPIRE RI Proposal Helmut Dres, CF Manchester9 Integrate technology helpdesk specific fields in standard GGUS Required rights: Registered user + it is my ticket Browser certificate + it is my ticket Support staff Optional fields only visible when relevant
EGI-InSPIRE RI Discussion Helmut Dres, CF Manchester10 Future of the Technology Helpdesk - two proposals: 1.) Leave it as it is but derestrict access rights (same rights as in GGUS) + less development work at the moment + current users do not have to get used to something else - less intuitive for new users - sustainability (more exceptions – less sustainable) - maintainence effort 2.) Merge the Technology Helpdesk with standard GGUS - Short phase of acclimatisation for current users - More development work as 1.) + more intuitive fo new users + simplification of granting access rights ++ what is – in 1.)