The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Introduction Puerto Rico is a tropical Island in the Caribbean It’s a commonwealth of the United States They are citizens of the United States They can vote in our primary’s but not in the general election Our president is their leader, but they do elect a governor Puerto Rico try’s to mimics the United States in a lot of ways, but takes the backseat most of the time
Geography and Climate It’s a tropical island, 85 and sunny is the norm It’s located south of florida and west of the Dominican Republic in the South Atlantic Ocean Mountains with treacherous roads, along with beautiful beaches fill the island Hurricanes are the only worry
People and Society 99% is latin, with 75% being white, 12% black etc… Everyone speaks spanish and the more affluent will also speak english 3.5 million people on the island
Health Care and Immunization Rquirements There are no specific requirements for vaccinations Their health care system is the same as the US A lot of people on medicare and medicade The receive less than half of funding that most US states receive They have no specific health problems The only problem for tourist is dengue from mosquito bites The water is safe to drink
Internet and Technology The run about the same as the US There are about 16 different providers The have broadband as well as wifi Businesses have free wifi as well
Exchange Rate There is no exchange rate The US dollar is the currency used Atm’s and Bank’s just like in the US are available
Government and Education Puerto Rico is a democracy They have 2 main party’s and several other’s like the US The highest rank is the Governor, who reports to our president They have 911, a lot of police presence and coruption The US military protects them Their education system runs like ours with the wealthy sending their kids to private schools to learn english
Cost of Living Puerto Rico lags behind the US in wages and cost of living They are in a recission Those who can go to the US for work do Wages are half of the US But so is the rent
Greetings and Etiquette They stand closer to each other than we would Men stare at women but women don’t stare back Men greet each other with an embrace, women with a kiss on the cheek and a hug They are aggressive drivers The police always ride around with all their lights flashing
Religion Not much different than the US A lot of Catholics and Protestants But they don’t stand in the way of anyone practicing anything different than theirs They don’t have any radical problems
Holidays If there is one thing that Puerto Rican’s do right, it’s celebrate The recognize all the holiday’s that we do and more They have 3 kings day They celebrate multiple birthdays for past hero’s And basically take any celebration to the next level
Citation’s The world factbook 2015, web, 6 dec 2015 Lovely planet 2015, web, 6 dec 2015 Puerto ricans brace for crisis in health care print, 2 aug 2015, Lizette Alvarez, Abby Goodnough Trip advisor puerto rico 2015, web, 6 dec 2015 Puerto rico religion 2015, web, 6 dec 2015 Broad band now puerto rico 2015, web, 6 dec 2015