I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him. ~Abraham Lincoln. I think the person who got me interested in this career is my dad. Why because the things he told me about. In order to get a better understanding as a marine, I will be researching 6 topic areas nature of work, the working conditions, the training, qualification, advancement, and earnings.
Participate in, or support, combat and other military operations, such as humanitarian or disaster relief Operate, maintain, and repair equipment Perform technical and support activities Supervise junior enlisted personnel Combat specialty personnel train and work as members of combat units, such as the infantry, artillery, or Special Forces. For example, infantry specialists conduct ground combat operations; armored vehicle specialists operate battle tanks; and seamanship specialists maintain ships. Combat specialty personnel may maneuver against enemy forces and positions and fire artillery, guns, mortars, or missiles to destroy those positions. They may also operate various types of combat vehicles, such as amphibious assault vehicles, tanks, or small boats. Members of elite Special Operations teams are trained to perform specialized missions anywhere in the world on a moment’s notice.
Physical- Must be physically fit to participate in support or in combat situations. Mental- Must be ready and able to check up on military missions on short notice. Outdoor- Firefights indoor and outdoor and you patrol the area. Time- Can vary between 2- however as many years as you want. Conditions- Extremely loud highly dangerous and risk of death.
Education- Need a high school diploma. Age- 17 years Classes needed to take Law Enforcement I and II Where I want to go U of M Training- Boot camp otherwise know as basic training
Employment rate- Steady for qualified applicants. Find a job- Anywhere(Alaska) Noncompetitive- As long as you can hold your own. Where- Where they are deployed.
Depends on your rank. Collage + Hope to buy a decent house – Hope to drive a Ford Truck + Own a Cabin +
Responsibility to protect and to serve. Where- Where they are deployed Time- 2- to however many years you enlisted for. Why- I choose this because I still want to be in the Armed Forces even if it’s not the Army.
I want to join the Army because I want to even if I don’t get paid. It would make happy to defended my country and make sure to keep everyone in their country safe (civilians). I feel that I would make a great solider anyway. The other reason why is my dad inspired me to join the army. The last reason is that it pays for your collage which is a big plus.
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