Robber Barons Steals from public Interprets laws in their own favor Pays workers low wages Dangerous working conditions Drains natural resources Drives competitors out of business Captains of Industry Increases supply of goods Builds libraries, museums, schools, medical advances, land conservation Creates scholarships Creates new jobs Makes new products Develops new markets
Was an Immigrant as a child In the 1870s he built the Carnegie Steel Company Sold his company to J.P. Morgan in 1901, who formed U.S. Steel (the largest and most profitable company in the world at the time)
Robber Baron? Paid workers small wages and worked them long hours Dangerous working conditions in his mills Used violent force to break unions and strikes
Captain of Industry? Gospel of Wealth ▪ People should be free to make as much money as they can. After they make it, however, they should give it away. Funded more than 3000 libraries and universities worldwide Gave away more $350 Million (over $4 Billion today) to charities
Formed Standard Oil in 1870 Bought out all competition
Robber Baron? Drove competition out of business Set up a monopoly to control over 90% of the oil industry Forced retailers to sell his products
Captain of Industry? Gave away his money to foundations that had a major effect on medicine, education, and scientific research All told, Rockefeller gave away about $550 million (more than $12 Billion today) to charities.