OBJECTIVE B.E.L., We will compare and order decimals to the thousandths place.
APK – WHAT DO WE ALREADY KNOW? Decimals show part of a whole. The decimal point separates the ones place and the tenths place. The decimal says the word “and”. The value of a digit is affected by its place in the number
APK – CONTINUED… As we move left, each position is 10 times bigger! Example: Hundreds are 10 times bigger than Tens... and... As we move right, each position is 10 times smaller
COMPARING DECIMALS To record the comparisons, we use > is greater than < is less than = is equal to
COMPARING DECIMALS 1. Line up the decimal points. 2. Start at the left 3. Compare each place value The 7 in the thousandths place is > than the 3 in the thousandths place. So, > >
WE DO Look at Example A: We will compare and Look at Example B: We will compare and *Using the place value chart helps us to see the place at which these two numbers differ.
Let’s go shopping! Remember to be frugal! We are on a budget!
Which would you choose? $1.2 $1.02
Which would you choose? $39.15 $39.51
Which would you choose? $3.1 $3.19
Which would you choose? $2.31 $3.01$2.13
Great job!
14 Ordering Decimals Place Value 19.48, , Line up the decimal points
15 Ordering Decimals Place Value 19.48, , Annex a zero so that each has the same number of decimal places. 0 00
16 Ordering Decimals Place Value 19.48, , ; 19.48;