6 th Grade Math Tara Geidel
What number is in the tens place in 9853?
What number is in the ones place in 7452?
What number is in the hundreds place 45802?
What number has 4 in ones place?
What number has 6 in the tens place?
What digit is in the thousands place in 8625?
What place is the 7 in 8527? hundreds ones tens thousands
What place is the 9 in 9724? thousands ten hundred one
What place is the 7 in 58367? ten ones Ten-thousands hundreds
What place is the 8 in 2983? ones tens hundreds thousands
What place is the 5 in 24537? thousands hundreds tens ones
What digit is in the thousands place in 92875?
What digit is the hundreds place in 89275?
What digit is in the tens place in 92387?
What place is the 8 in 7268? hundreds thousands ones tens
What place is the 3 in 73895? thousands hundreds ones tens
What place has a missing number in 82_92? hundreds tens ones thousands
Which place is missing a number in 27_923? hundreds tens thousands ones
Which place has the missing number in 9383_? thousands hundreds tens ones
Which place has the missing number in 972_8? thousands hundreds tens ones