Collaborate with Your Librarian: Pathway to Student Achievement NJEA Convention November 7, 2008
Collaboration Definition - To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort (from American Heritage Dictionary, 4 th ed., 2004) Synonyms of collaboration – Coaction, synergy, teamwork, alliance, participation, partnership
What does collaboration mean to teachers and to school library media specialists and why is it important for students? Graphic from enu_id=326&id= enu_id=326&id=2070
School Libraries Work!: Research Foundation Paper published by Scholastic Studies in 19 States and 1 Province 2007 Indiana - Averaged better test results (teachers collaborated with SLMS) 2006 Ontario - higher reading achievement scores 2005 Illinois - 11th grade ACT scores highest with collaboration
2003 North Carolina - higher standardized test scores in reading and English 2002 Florida - Elem., MS, HS test scores higher 2000 Alaska - higher test scores with library/information literacy instruction from SLMS 2000 Colorado - higher reading scores with more collaborative SLMS School Libraries Work!
Connections between school libraries and NJCCCS Infused into all curriculum areas Examples: Visual and Performing Arts 1.1 Students will utlize and synthesize aesthetic knowledge and skills in response to dance, music, theater and visual art. Group of teachers and librarians will showcase this collaboration from Pemberton School District. Science 5.8 Earth Science Students will gain an understanding of the structure, etc of the earth. Example from Delsea Regional High School. Social Studies 6.1 All students will utilize historical thinking, problem solving, and research skills to maximize their understanding of civics, history, geography, and economics.
Continuation of NJCCCS Specifically included in 8.1 Technological Literacy - students will conduct research. They will also develop, locate, summarize, organize, synthesize, and evaluate information for lifelong learning. See NJASL website for Curriculum Document with examples and specific activities. Curriculum Document
National Standards - AASL Standards for 21st Century Learner 1. Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge. 2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations and create new knowledge. 3. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. 4. Pursue personal and aesthic growth.
Sample Templates For Collaboration See wiki - NJASL Collaboration with Your Library
Core Proficiency of SLMS as listed on Partnership providing curriculum leadership role Guide to philosophy of SLMS program and library instruction "Journey, not a destination" Key to increased Student Achievement Collaboration is:
Collaboration Benefits Students are more involved Sparks creativity Role of teacher changes Students interact with others Results in more collaboration Student achievement increases
Partnership Power Brainstorm assignments, lessons, and projects Team teach Prepare bibliographies Prepare Webliographies Prepare reading lists Match literature to textbook readings Teach style format Provide style sheets
Partnership Power (continued) Give booktalks Recommend book titles and Web resources Purchase resources to support your curriculum Integrate technology into your lessons Coordinate information literacy skills into your units of study Provide additional resources through interlibary loan
Resources Grover, Robert. "The Meeting in the Middle." Experience [Lesson Learned Series]. Chicago, IL: American Association of School LIbrarians, Fall 1996:2-6. New Jersey Association of School Librarians website Accessed 25 October School Libraries Work! New York: Scholastic Library Publishing, 2008.