BELLE-BABAR template Guy Wormser LAL Orsay
Completing the template Very good response to my extra requests: thanks to everydoby! Now we can make direct comparisons for the three subdetectors! –Compute the fudge factor –Compute the quantities at 10**34 For BABAR HER=1,5 A LER=2,5 A For BELLE HER=1,1 A LER+1,6 A Still some work to do ! – BABAR calorimeter dose is missing –BELLE does not always give extrapolation formula (but values at 10**34) I will ask somebody back in Orsay to produce a nice- looking version (done!)
SVT Occupancy Fudge Factor – Same width but not same solid angle since radius is nit the same – Different lenght for Phi strips – Different integrating time To convert BELLE numbers to BABAR units: K=(2/3.3)**2 *(8.2/7.68)*(1/1.2)=0,33 Occupancies at 10**34 in the first layer: –BELLE =8%=2,3% BABAR equivalent –BABAR= 12% West 3% East BABAR/BELLE = 5 for West and 1.3 for East
DCH Fudge factor for current: Gain*Volume –K=5.2/5*(40000/20000)=2.08 Fudge factor for Cell:CellxSize*Integrating time*Length –K=0,77*5*2.76/2.2=5 At 10**34: –Current BELLE 20 uA BABAR ~600 uA Now understood : 20 uA -> 1000 uA but gain fudge factor still does not match! –Occupancies BELLE 2% BABAR 10%
EMC Fudge factor=Integrating time (oops, BABAR’s is missing AT 10**34: Single crystals above 1 MeV: –BELLE 620/160/150 sum 930 (Is electronic noise removed? If not, please do so) –BABAR 400/275 sum 675 Numbers of CLUSTERS of 20 MeV, 100 MeV BELLE 10/3 BABAR 3,7/1 Get BABAR Integration time Check Cluster definition BABAR Dose information yet to be filled in(~1 krad but a large part is Injection)
Summary The exercice is almost complete! SVT: Meaningful comparison possible –BABAR/BELLE ratio from 4 to 1.5 DCH : Comparison in principle possible but strong discrepancies between the ratio from the current and from the occupancies EMC one number missing and some definition checks to allow comparison