Les Verbes en -ir -ir verbs
Formation End in -ir (not dormir,servir,sortir,partir) To conjugate (present tense): –Drop off the -ir Add -is-issons -is-issez -it-issent Finir = to finish Je finisNous finissons Tu finisVous finissez Il/Elle/On finitIls finissent
Choisir = to choose Finir = to finish Punir = to punish Obéir à = to obey Désobéir à = to disobey Réfléchir = to think Réussir = to succeed
Derived from adjectives Maigrir = to loose weight Grossir = to gain weight Grandir = to get taller, grow up Rougir = to blush Pâlir = to become pale
Pronunciation The double s is heard on all the plural forms, not in the singular forms