“UZSTANDARD” AGENCY Uzbek Agency for Standardization, Uzbek Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Metrology and Certification Mr. Mirziyod Yunusov – Head of International Relations Department
2 Who we are: Long established institute with history dating back to April 18, 1923 Organization with over 1000 employees throughout the country Sole body responsible for development and coordination of National Quality Infrastructure National Metrology Institute National Standards Body of the Republic of Uzbekistan National Accreditation Body of the Republic of Uzbekistan
3 What we do: Publish, endorse and implement national and international standards; Retain database of national and international standards Promote international system of units (S.I.) and implement unified system of measurements; Study, maintain and apply national measurement standards; Carry out state policy on product and QMS certification Provide accreditation services; Co-operate with foreign standardization bodies and international organizations; Training and skills development.
4 Our organization State inspection of alcoholic beverages Information Center Research Institute for Standardization Regional Branches of Standardization International Relations Department Directorate for Standardization Republican Center for Testing & Certification Deputy Director General Deputy Director General Главный метролог Center for National Measurement Standards Directorate for Certification & Implementation of QMS Director General Inter-organizational Council Finance Department Legal Council Chief Metrologist Directorate for Metrology Center for Rendering Metrological Services Directorate for accreditation Republican Center for Accreditation
5 Technical Regulations The Law on Technical Regulations Standards as a basis for Technical Regulations Compliance to the Law and Technical Regulations is mandatory Standards voluntary
6 Category of standards International, regional standards State standards of the Republic of Uzbekistan National standards of foreign countries Standards of organizations International Standards Interstate (regional) standards State standards of the Republic of Uzbekistan Industry standards Technical Requirements Company standards Administrative – territorial standards
7 National Technical Committees ТК-1 Oil & Gas ТК-2 Cotton ТК-3 Wheat ТК-5 Silk & by products ТК-6 Wine & beverages ТК-7 Communication & Informatics ТК-8 «Семеноводство ТК-9 Auto ТК-11 Architecture & Construction ТК-10 Meat – Diary Products ТК- 4 Food Products ТК-12 Chemicals ТК-13 Textiles ТК-14 Leather ТК-16 Auto & marine transport ТК-18 Learning & education ТК-15 Defense ТК-17 Recreation & Sport
8 International cooperation Republic of Uzbekistan ISO World Trade Organization (WTO) OIMLIRSAEASCCOOMET МЭК IEC ИСО – International Organization for Standardization OIML – International Organization for Legal Metrology EASC – Interstate Council for Standardization CООМЕТ – Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions IRSA – Interregional association for standardization IEC – International Electrotechnical Committee ILAC – International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation IAF – International Accreditation Forum CEN – European Committee for Standardization IAF ILAC CEN Prospective plans to join Correspondent member Full member Legend:
9 International Cooperation BSI UK Singapore SPRING Slovakia USMI Egypt EOS Korea KATS Czech Republic UNMZ Greece ELOT Latvia LVS All CIS countries Turkey TSE DIN Germany
10 Accreditation There are 130 accredited conformity assessment bodies and over 300 accredited testing laboratories in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan 22 of them have been re - accredited in accordance with requirements of O’z DSt ISO/IEC 17025:2007
11 International Accreditation Uzbek – Turkish JV “Uzbek- Turk Test Markazi” Textile products certification body State Center for evaluation and standardization of medicine Certification body of Samarqand Center for Testing and Certification Food and agricultural products testing laboratory of Ferghana Center for Testing and Certification Product Certification bodies accredited by Turkish Accreditation Body TURKAK :
12 National Measurement Standards National primary standard of the unit of length National primary standard of the unit of mass National primary standard of the unit of time and frequency National primary standard of the unit of pressure Nation primary standard of unit of voltage of an alternating current National primary standard of the unit of inductance National primary standard of the unit of electric capacity National primary standard of the unit of liquid mass flow rate National primary standard of unit of a mass fraction of ammonia, hydrocyanic acid, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur and chlorine dioxide in air
13 Development of QMS in Uzbekistan Dynamic growth of QMS implementation in businesses in conformance to International Standard ISO 9000 series
14 QMS Certification Bodies accredited in Uzbekistan №НаименованиеСтрана№NameCountry 1РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ ЦИСУзбекистан 11«DIGART-SERT»Uzbekistan 2АНДИЖАНСКИЙ ЦИСУзбекистан 12 «MAHSULOT SIFAT MARKAZI» Uzbekistan 3БУХАРСКИЙ ЦИСУзбекистан 13 «TSE» Turkish Standards Institution Turkey 4КАШКАДАРЬИНСКИЙ ЦИСУзбекистан 14 «MOODY INTERNATIONAL» UK 5НАМАНГАНСКИЙ ЦИСУзбекистан 15«SGS TASHKENT LTD.» Switzerland 6САМАРКАНДСКИЙ ЦИСУзбекистан 16«Russian Register» Russia 7ТАШГОР ЦИСУзбекистан 17«SERT-MANEGEMENT» Germany 8ХОРЕЗМСКИЙ ЦИСУзбекистан 18 «DQS QUALITY SYSTEMS» Germany 9ЧИРЧИКСКИЙ ЦИСУзбекистан 19«INTER CERT»Russia 10НИИ СМСУзбекистан
15 Our Prospective Priorities... Implement “National Quality Infrastructure Re - development Program”; Enhance participation in international standards development; Broaden collaboration with foreign partner standards bodies; Seek international recognition of national accreditation to join ILAC MRA; Improve technological capabilities of testing laboratories in the food sector; Raise implementation and certification of Management Systems in accordance with International Standards.
16 Thank you for attention!