21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 1 PPS - division into zones and shield wall locations - N. Terunuma KEK.


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Presentation transcript:

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 1 PPS - division into zones and shield wall locations - N. Terunuma KEK

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 2 General Assumptions Underground areas will be radiation-control areas. i.e. service tunnels, alcoves, shafts…, except for some parts of IP halls? Access control system from the non-radiation area may not be a part of PPS. It will not stop the beam. Sectioning of the beam dumps will be done locally and may be included in a PPS section. Layout Use the draft drawings on ILC wiki, CF&S, for the first planning of PPS. Uploaded on July 12, 2006.

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 3 Category of PPS gates All PPS gates should have status switches. Locked, semi-locked and unlocked are depend on locations. Between the service areas and the accelerator areas –Removable shield wall Used for installation. Not frequently accessed. (Exp. Hall) –Shield door Used for installation. May be able to open/close within an hour. –Doors at both end of the passage way Plain-panel door at acc-side will be used to stabilize the temperature and used to isolate the (activated) air flows. Fence(?) door at service-side will be semi-locked for emergency escape. Between the accelerator areas –Fenced door Used to minimize the searching sections after part of it has been in permitted access. Fence will be used to keep the air flow in the accelerator tunnel. –Removable shield wall Used to establish the beam-on area when working at downstream. (RTML, BDS)

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 4 Type of PPS gates Removable Shield Wall/Door; SH Concrete, Pb,… Switches, Displays(PPS,Beam), Cameras, Key-bank Door/Fence for searching – DS; plain-panel door – FS; fence with door Switches, Displays(PPS) FO; fence for beam operation Switches, Displays(PPS,Beam), Cameras, Key-bank

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 5 Layout U-3, U-4 and ILC-CE Questions: Thickness of removable shielding at Gun, service tunnel. Do we need to put a shield wall after the injection area in DR? PPS: e- source Shield? SH … 3 DS … 4 FS … 2 FO … 6

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 6 Layout U-3 For each shaft(4)/alcove(2), a fence for operation (FO) a door for searching (DS) a shielding door for installation (SH) Fences for searching (FS) are assumed every 500m. PPS: e- DR SH … 6 DS … 6 FS … 11 FO … 6

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 7 Layout U-10 Almost same as e- DR Four alcoves with each shaft (FO, DS, SH) Fences for searching (FS) are assumed every 500m. PPS: e+ DR SH … 4 DS … 4 FS … 12 FO … 4 Shaft Fence for searching (FO)

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 8 For each alcove w/wo shaft One shielding door for installation (SH) One passage way One fence for operation (FO) One door for searching (DS) PPS: Alcoves SH … 1 DS … 1 FS … 0 FO … 1 Passage way Shielding door

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 9 Two alcoves with shaft (SH, DS, FO) One shielding door for DR operation (SH) One passage way (FO,DS) Two beam dumps with BTMs and Pb wall PPS: e- RTML SH … 5 DS … 3 FS … 3 FO … 3 BTM … 6 Passage way Shielding door(SH) or Fence for DR operation(FO) Fence (FS) Dump

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 10 Note: Schematic only, not to scale! Main beamline (DR-to-IP) Kicker and septum Beamline to tuneup dump Beam dump: 660 kW at 15 GeV + local shielding 2 m earth shielding <~100W Beam loss this area 1 km At least 20-cm- thick Pb 3 burn through monitors Access OK Accelerator Tunnel Service Tunnel 5 m earth shielding Access OK: 0.14 mSv/hr w/o local dump shielding; mSv/hr with local dump shielding PPS near the RTML tuneup dump By P.T. and S.Ban

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 11 Two alcoves with shaft (SH, DS, FO) Two shielding wall/door for RTML works under DR operation (SH) One passage way (FO,DS) Two beam dumps with BTMs and Pb wall PPS: e+ RTML SH … 6 DS … 3 FS … 4 FO … 3 BTM … 6 Passage way Shielding door(SH) or Fence for DR operation(FO) Fence (FS) Dump Fence in DR Shielding wall(SH) for RTML works under DR operation

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 12 Alcoves with shaft (SH, DS, FO) … 4 x 2-linacs Every 500 m, Emergency passage ways (FO,DS) … 26x2 Fences for searching (FS) … 26x2 We may omit the emergency passage near shaft. PPS: Main Linac SH … 8 DS … 52 FS … 52 FO … 52

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 13 For the radiation doze of wave-guide penetrations, Results by previous simulation show that it is better to fence off the areas near the penetrations. We may need to update the simulation because the previous loss point (beam line) was near the penetrations. If the doze still exceed the limits, we may need fences. PPS: Main Linac, WG Previous beam line Now Fence?

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 14 Near IPs, there are many drawings(plans) on ILC wiki. Assume as each IP hall has … passage way(FO,DS) at both sides shielding wall for installation(CF&S) Searching fence (FS) at both side in at beam tunnel 3 shafts (SH, DS, FO) Treat the gates for e+ bypass line as same as ML’s. Fences (FS) every 500 m Shielding wall (SH) for IP workers when ML tuning. Where? Thickness? PPS: BDS SH … 5 DS … 7 FS … 20 FO … 7 BTM … 6

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 15 Number of PPS Devices e- e- DR e- RTML e+ DR e+ RTML MLBDS/ IP SH Shield wall/door DS Door for searching FO Fence for operation FS Fence for searching BTM Burn Through Monitor

21 July 2006, Vancouver Global Design Effort 16 Slide Title Main –Subpoint Sub, sub point