Building PADEE and ASPIRE Farmers Managed Community Learning Centers A path to innovation sustainability in Cambodia June 2015 – December 2016 PHASE II
A path to innovation sustainability in Cambodia June 2015 – December 2016 PHASE II Objectives of PADEE-ASPIRE-ROUTASIA partnership Startup and management of Community Learning Centers ↓ Dissemination of organic production, post-harvesting and access to market best practices ↓ Improving agricultural productivity ↓ Diversifying income sources of rural households assisted by the PADEE and ASPIRE projects
Direct Beneficiaries Total amount of direct beneficiaries estimated 735 people 40 Local Champions, outstanding farmers graduated in 10 provincial CLCs (5 from PADEE and 5 from ASPIRE) 625 famers to apply new knowledge, skills and tools, acquired through at least 20 CLC trainings (375 from PADEE and 250 from ASPIRE) 50 young farmers to apply new knowledge, skills and tools, acquired through at least 2 CLC trainings (25 from PADEE and 25 from ASPIRE) 20 provincial DAE team members to support and monitor CLC performance (10 working with PADEE and 10 working with ASPIRE) At least 35 CIG from PADEE and ASPIRE to develop Innovation Plans to boost the introduction of best practices Indirect Beneficiaries: About 2500 households with improved productivity and diversified sources of income.
Knowledge Products 40 Local Champions Life Stories and Know How Profiles (registered in 10 CLC training service packs Learning Modules, Learning Materials, Promotional Video/Photo Stories, Evaluation Toolkits. 1 Impact Case Study on CIGs trained Toolkit for Starting up CLCs, Training of Local Champions and Follow-up on Innovations Processes
Implementation Strategy
Component 1: Preparation for CLC Operation SubProject 1: Community Learning Center Curriculum Development for PADEE's Outstanding Farmers SubProject 2: Training of Trainers: Teaching and Learning Tools development for CLC under PADEE project SubProject 3: Learning Route to Thailand for ASPIRE Project’s farmers: CLC Service Operations SubProject 4: Learning Route to Vietnam SubProject 5: Community Learning Center’s Curriculum Development for ASPIRE’s Outstanding Farmers Component 2: CLC Operation SubProject 6: Demo-Training by newly established CLC under PADEE project to community SubProject 7: Training for APIRE’s selected farmers organized by PADEE’s Local Champions at their CLC SubProject 8: Demo-training of ASPIRE’s Local Champions organized by CLC SubProject 9: PADEE and ASPIRE Local champion knowledge and experiences sharing workshop Component 3: Young Local Champion Program SubProject 10: Training for Youth in the community organized by CLC SubProject 11: Youth Training services organized by ASPIRE’s Local Champions SubProject 12: Young Farmer Exchange Program: knowledge and experience sharing and scaling-up Project Components
LR in Vietnam of PADEE CLC Curriculum Development for PADEE’s Outstanding Farmers Demo-Training by newly established CLC under PADEE project to community Training of Trainers: Teaching and Learning Tools development for CLC Training for Youth in the community organized by CLC Learning Routes APIRE’s selected farmers organized by PADEE’s Local Champions at their CLC Learning Route to Thailand for ASPIRE Project’s farmers: CLC Service Operations CLC’s Curriculum Development for ASPIRE’s Outstanding Farmers Demo-Training of ASPIRE’s Local Champions organized by PADEE CLC Demo-training of ASPIRE’s Local Champions organized by CLC Youth Training Services organized by ASPIRE’s Local Champions Young Farmer Exchange Program: knowledge and experience sharing and scaling-up JuneJuly Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2016 PADEE-ASPIRE-PROCASUR Timeframe
Budget and co-funding
Project costs for PADEE and ASPIRE per unit (USD) total (USD) 5 CLC Curriculum Developments for PADEE Outstanding Farmers for CLC initiative Demo-Training by newly established CLC, organized by Local Champions under PADEE Project days Training Of Trainers (TOT) for 20 Local Champions First 10 trainings organized by newly established CLC and Local Champions under PADEE Project Young Farmers Training organized by CLC under PADEE Project Training between PADEE and ASPIRE 5669 Learning Routes for ASPIRE Farmers to Thailand Curriculum Developments for ASPIRE's Outstanding Farmers for CLC Initiative Demo-Trainings Exchange Workshops between PADEE and ASPIRE Local Champions Young Farmers Training organized by CLC under ASPIRE Project Exchange Workshop between PADEE and ASPIRE Young Farmers 5680 Total cost for PADEE and ASPIRE
ExpensesUnitsFactorsUnit Value (USD) Total (USD) ROUTASIA General Coordinator Supervision of the project in Cambodia (2 days a months for 19 months) ROUTASIA Focal Point in Cambodia for 19 months (June 2015 to December 2016) ROUTASIA field work assistant for 19 months (June 2015 to December 2016) Communications Officer Support to activities in Cambodia (2 days per month for 19 months) Co-funding of ASPIRE Learning Route to Thailand Monitoring and Evaluation of the project (2 days a month for 19 months) International tickets and DSA for assistance and follow-up (one mission every 3 months: 6 missions in total)