CAST Re-Cap 2016 Syngenta Flowers Seed Duane Deibert Scott Newton
Syngenta Flowers Annual Seed Bee Bright Pentas Compact Landscape Seed Pentas Four Colors: Red, Pink, White, Lipstick Formula Mix of all 4 colors Garden Ht. 12-14” Early Flowering Uniform Across the Colors Competitive Series: Graffiti from Benary
Syngenta Flowers Annual Seed Honey Cluster Pentas Tall Landscape Seed Penta Four Colors: Red, Pink, White, Lipstick Formula Mix of all 4 colors Garden Ht. 12-14’ Early Flowering Uniform Across the Colors Competitive Series: Kaleidoscope from Benary; Butterfly from PanAM
Syngenta Flowers Annual Seed Snaptastic Snapdragon Fall or Spring Snapdragon Five Colors: Magenta, Orange Flame, Pink, Red, Yellow Formula Mix of all 5 colors Garden Ht. 8-10” Garden Width 18-22” Day Neutral Early spring flowering intermediate snap Strong Root System Uniform Across the Colors Competitive Series: Solstice from PanAM
Syngenta Flowers Annual Seed Topspin Green Leaf Begonias Four Colors: Pink, Red, Rose, White Formula Mix Garden Ht. 8-10” Tolerant of Cool Temperatures Red is Slightly Less Vigorous in the Series Competitive Series: Sprint Plus from Benary; Yang from PanAM
Syngenta Flowers Perennial Seed Echinacea Prairie Splendor Compact Rose First Year Flowering Seed Available Now Other Colors to Follow
Key Take-Aways Pentas is good breeding BeeBright claim is 5 – 7 days earlier and more uniform flowering than Graffiti Need to run trials to prove this to grower as product is priced much higher than Graffiti due to $ savings in bench time Snaptastic is a day-neutral intermediate Important for spring flowering especially in CA market and possibly the NW Garden height is shorter than Sonnet/Liberty Flowering earlier than Speedy Sonnet (Ball Exclusive!) Begonia TopSpin tolerates cold production Limited value to most growers Could be important in far north Cold production does slow finish time Printed Catalog for 2016-17!!!
Top Products / Programs you will promote and why While the new items from SF are not overly exciting for TX and central MI… Reps in regions with high volume pentas use should trial BeeBright next to Graffiti to see if bench time savings are realized Honeycluster for Kaleidoscope/Butterfly should be an easier sell due to closer price point Reps in need of early spring flowering snaps should promote at least trial orders of Snaptastic to see if they deliver what your customers need Don’t forget about seedsations for economy combos
Box Store Programs Store Product Program Region Lowe’s and Wal-Mart Seed Seed Programs won’t be finalized until June-July. Most seed items are in a ‘grower choice program’ so are optional as to series, not mandated.