Capítulo 2: ¡Organízate! Spanish 1 Mrs. Morris Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
EQ for De Antemano What are the objectives for Chapter 2? How well do you understand the storyline presented in the De Antemano for Chapter 2? Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Assignment for De Antemano Read De Antemano on TB Pg. 48-49 Watch video of De Antemano Complete TB Pg. 50 (Act. 1-4) Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
What are the indefinite articles? How do you use indefinite articles? EQ for Chapter 2 Section 1 What are the indefinite articles? How do you use indefinite articles? How do you make nouns plural in Spanish? What are the pronouns in the Spanish language? How do Spanish schools differ from schools in the United States? Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Summary of Indefinite Articles Another group of words that are used with nouns are the indefinite article: un, una (a or an) and unos, unas (some or a few). Summary of Indefinite Articles Masculine Feminine Singular un una Plural unos unas Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Indefinite Articles You’ve already learned that un and una mean a or an. Unos and unas mean some or a few. The chart shows how the four forms of the indefinite articles are used. Use unos with a masculine plural noun. When referring to a group of people that includes both males and females, the masculine plural is used. For example: unos estudiantes In a negative sentence, un, una, unos, and unas are often dropped. For example: ¿Necesitas unos bolígrafos? No, no necesito bolígrafos. Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Making Nouns Plural To make a noun plural, add -s if it ends in a vowel. For example: diccionario diccionarios If the noun ends in a consonant, add –es. For example: papel papeles If a noun ends in –z, change -z to -c and add –es. For example: lapiz lápices How would you make these nouns plural? a. cruz b. luz c. vez Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Review of Pronouns In Chapter 1, you learned to use the subject pronouns yo when talking about yourself and tú when talking to another student or someone your own age. When you want to talk about someone else, use él to mean he and ella to mean she. For example: Paco y Merche quieren ir a la tienda. Él necesita una mochila y ella necesita muchas cosas. Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Review of Pronouns yo (I) tú (you) él (he) ella (she) Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Nota Cultural (Pg. 54) In many high schools in Spanish and Latin America, students stay in the same room for their classes all day and teachers change classrooms. Because of this, it’s rare to find a school that has lockers. Students carry their supplies to and from school each day in book bags or backpacks. Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Assignments for Chapter 2 Complete WB Pgs. 9-13 (Act. 1-10 / Skip Act. 8) Complete Worksheets Quiz 2-1A/B with notebook, etc. Complete Quiz 2-1 without any help. Review for Quiz 2-1 Study how to make nouns plural Indefinite Articles (un, una, unos, unas) Study culture for Primer Paso Short reading in Spanish with Answers in English (True/False) Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
EQ for Chapter 2 Section 2 What is the meaning of the verb “hay”? What are the conjugations of the verb “tener”? What are its meanings? How do you make the nouns agree with the adjectives ¿cuánto? and mucho in Spanish? How do living conditions differ in Spanish-speaking countries and the United States? Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
The verb - haber Hay Means there is or there are In a question, it means are there or is there? Hay is pronounced like ( I ) in English. Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
The verb – tener (to have) yo tengo I have tú tienes you have él ella Ud. tiene he/she has nosotros nosotras tenemos we have ellos ellas Uds. tienen they/ya’ll have Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Agreement for mucho and ¿cuánto? with nouns Many nouns and adjectives have the following endings: Making the endings of adjectives and nouns match is called agreement in gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural). SINGULAR PLURAL MASCULINE -o -os FEMININE -a -as Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Mucho and Cuánto forms Masculine Feminine Singular mucho mucha Plural muchos muchas Masculine Plural Singular cuánto cuánta cuántos cuántas Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Agreement for mucho and ¿cuánto? with nouns The forms of ¿cuánto? are used to ask how much? or how many? Like other adjectives, ¿cuánto? matches the noun it describes. Ej: ¿__________ papel tienes? ¿__________ tarea? ¿__________ bolígrafos? ¿__________ carpetas? The forms of mucho mean a lot, much, or many. Like ¿cuánto?, mucho changes to match the noun it modifies. Ej: Hay _______ tarea. Hay _______ personas en la clase. Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Nota Cultural (TB Pg. 58) In Spain, most people live in pisos (apartments) in cities or towns. Bedrooms are often smaller, and sisters or brothers will sometimes have to share a room. Generally, the family shares a single TV set and a single phone. It’s not as common for teenagers to have a TV or a phone of their own in their bedroom. Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Assignments for Chapter 2 Section 2 Complete WB Pgs. 14-15 (Act. 11-13) Complete Worksheets 2-2A/B with notebook, etc. Complete Quiz 2-2 without any help. Review for Quiz 2-2 Study the words cuánto and mucho, etc. Study vocabulary (TB Pg. 73) - Segundo Paso especially Culture for Segundo Paso Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
EQ for Chapter 2 Section 3 How do you express what you need using the verb “necesitar” in Spanish? How do you express what you want using the verb “querer” in Spanish? How do you identify verbs in Spanish? What is the difference in the stem and the ending of a verb? What are the numbers in Spanish? What is a special about using the number one “uno” in Spanish when referring to a noun? Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Necesitar – to need yo necesito nosotros necesitamos nosotras name y yo tú necesitas él ella Ud. necesita name * singular subject ellos ellas necesitan Uds. name y name * plural subjects Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Querer (ie) – to want yo quiero nosotros queremos nosotras name y yo tú quieres él ella Ud. quiere name * singular subject ellos ellas quieren Uds. name y name * plural subjects Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
How to identify verbs Verbs are words of action. There are 3 types of verbs: -ar, -er, and –ir. Verbs have two parts: stem and ending. Ex. hablar = habl(stem) + ar (ending) Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Verbs in Tercer Paso These are some verbs that you will find in the tercer paso of Chapter 2. poner – to put or to place encontrar – to find or to meet at a place conocer – to meet (new friends) ir – to go comprar – to buy Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
To make numbers: y means “and” veinte (20) – follow the numbers found in Chapter 1 treinta (30) cuarenta (40) cincuenta (50) sesenta (60) setenta (70) ochenta (80) noventa (90) Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
One Hundred 100 cien (use by itself) ciento (101-199) Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Uno Uno at the end of a number changes to un before a masculine noun. Uno at the end of a number changes to una before a feminine noun. Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Assignments for Chapter 2 Section 3 Complete WB Pgs. 16-17 (Act. 14-17) Complete Worksheets 2-3A/B with notebook, etc. Complete Quiz 2-3 without any help. Review for Quiz 2-3 Study vocabulary for tercer paso on TB Pg. 73 Study verbs presented in Tercer Paso Study notes for Tercer Paso Know verbs necesitar and tener to answer personal questions in Spanish. Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
EQ for End of Chapter How well do you know the vocabulary, grammar and cultural concepts learned in Chapter 2? What skills do you need to improve to make a “100” on the Vocabulary and Cumulative Tests for Chapter 2? Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes
Assignments for Chapter 2 Review Complete TB Pgs. 66-69 (Act. 1-10) Write sentences on Activities 5, 7, 9, 10 Answers only on the other activities Review for Chapter 2 Cumulative Test Study Vocabulary on TB Pg 73 Study all notes for Chapter 2 - cultural and grammar Study verbs and their conjugations within Chapter 2 Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Notes