Rad. Shield 2 Feb. 06D.LACARRERE1 IP8 POINT 8 – RADIATION SHIELD – UX85 Introduction History (in brief) Conceptual Design Why installation shifted until 2006 ? Upper & Front Parts - Review - Goals
Rad. Shield 2 Feb. 06D.LACARRERE2 HISTORY (in brief) 1996 : Creation of EST/LEA Group for preparing the LHC Expt Areas. 1997 : Concept for dividing the UX85 area in 2 zones – LHCb Note. 1998 : LHCb Technical Proposal – CERN LHCC 98-4 Feb 1998 : LHCb Experiment approved in Sept 2000 : LEP Stop in November 2001 : Dismantling of DELPHI (June 01). 2002 : Civil Engineering Work in UX85 (Tympanum + fixed pillars). 2003 : Assembly of the LHCb Magnet (nearby radiation shield) 2004 : Installation of the Central Part of radiation shield (5 beams) 2004 : Bridge crossing the UX85 for LHC transport activities (Sept. 04) 2004 : Assembly of muon filters (MF1-MF3) close the radiation shield. 2005 : QRL 8-1 junction – large scaffolding removed Oct. 05 only. 2006 : Construction & Installation of Upper & Front Parts 2006 : LHC Milestone – Injection Test scheduled for Dec. 06
Rad. Shield 2 Feb. 06D.LACARRERE3 FIG. 1 ½ Bridge RB86 until mid-Sept. 04 ½ Bridge RB84 removed 10 May 04 LHC Transport Activities until mid-Sept LHCb Magnet from 10 July 04 Metallic Structure 5 July 04 Ass. Area mu-filters from 1 July 04 Concrete beams; 5x 30t Installed 09 June 04 Ventil. ducts / Zone B achieved 25 June 04 Cutting concrete from 24 June 04 Instal.QRL/UX85 End of Oct.04 LHCb Expt. Area - Status June 2004 A B
Rad. Shield 2 Feb. 06D.LACARRERE4 13 May 2004 POINT 8 – Main Radiation Shield Delivery - 5 concrete beams x 1000 x 800 ; 30 t Shield – Central Part FIG. 2
Rad. Shield 2 Feb. 06D.LACARRERE5 Radiation Shield Central Part Counting Rooms Assembly of Magnet FIG June 2004 POINT 8 – UX85 Cavern
Rad. Shield 2 Feb. 06D.LACARRERE6 Access - Checking Personnel AB A Zone = Protected Area B Zone = Detector Area ACCESS PERSONNEL PZ SHAFT CHICANE MOBILE DOOR Normal Access Emergency exit IP8 MAIN ACCESS EQUIPMENT PX SHAFT ACCESS PM SHAFT RADIADION SHIELD FENCE Access – Checking Tools & small equip. FIG. 4 Conceptual Design (1)
Rad. Shield 2 Feb. 06D.LACARRERE7 12/ /200610/200611/2006 FIG t heavy concrete Average thickness about 3.2 m Apertures ( 2 slits 5400 x 350 mm2) for Services & Cabling 12/2002 Chicanes for ventilation & gas extraction ducts Conceptual Design (2)
Rad. Shield 2 Feb. 06D.LACARRERE8 Why installation shifted until 2006 Crane PR hook 3.2 t A area B area C Crane PR hook 40 t Crane PR hooks 40 t LONGITUDINAL VIEW FIG. 5 A : Protected area B : Detector area C : LHC Cryogenics area + LHC beams INSTALLATION SCHEDULED FOR FEB. – DEC. 06 Radiation Shield
Rad. Shield 2 Feb. 06D.LACARRERE9 Upper & Front Parts - Review Goals Fix last details such as option 1 or 2 for the upper part ? Launch orders for non-standard concrete blocks. Specify and launch orders for additional lifting means. Preparation of safety documents for March 06. Installation of the upper part scheduled for June-July 06 Installation of the front part by December 2006.