Discovering the Cell Standard S7L2b: Relate cells structures (cell membranes, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, mitochondria) to basic cell functions
Did You Know? We are made up of microscopic living things called: CELLS There are Approximately 100 TRILLION cells in the Human Body. 100 Trillion
The Parts Cells are made up of Different Parts! Each Part has a Specific Function! The Parts: Nucleus Mitochondria Cytoplasm Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosomes Golgi Bodies (Apparatus) Vacuoles Lysosomes Cell Membrane Cell Wall Chloroplast
Cell Membrane A protective barrier that encloses a cell. Regulates what enters and leaves the cell. Cell Membrane is like a Fence.
Cytoplasm Gel-like fluid found all throughout the cell. Constantly Moving (Swishing around) All Other Parts are Suspended in Cytoplasm! Like Jell-O
The Nucleus DNA (our genes) Found here! Houses Nucleolus Directs all of the cell’s activities tells all the other parts what to do! Houses Nucleolus Acts like the Brain!
Found INSIDE the Nucleus! Nucleolus Found INSIDE the Nucleus!
Mitochondria Break down Sugar to Produce all Energy! In the form of ATP Power plant of the Cell
Where is Mitochondria??
Ribosomes Hooks amino acids together to make proteins All cells need proteins to live Smallest of ALL organelles
Where are Ribosomes?
Endoplasmic Reticulum Site of many chemical reactions Carry proteins, lipids, and other materials around the cell Two Types: Smooth and Rough Like Roadways
Where is the: Rough E.R.? Smooth E.R?
Golgi Bodies: Recieves Proteins (mail) from the E.R. Packages them (puts it in envelope) Distributes them to other parts of cell (Mailman) A.K.A Golgi Apparatus or Golgi Complex Like Postoffice
Where are Golgi Bodies???
Vacuoles Stores food and water, In plant cells: Like a storage container In plant cells: Very large Also act like a lysosome
Some Animal Cells have Vacuoles while Others Don’t!! Where is the Vacuole? Some Animal Cells have Vacuoles while Others Don’t!!
Lysosomes Contains digestive enzymes, gets rid of waste materials and recycles old cell parts Janitors of the Cell Found in animal cells
Where are the Lysosomes??
Cell Wall The outermost structure of a plant cell. Made of Cellulose Also found in fungi and prokaryotic cells
Chloroplast Organelle that uses the energy of sunlight to make food (photosynthesis) Found in plant and algae cells Make the cells green
Recap: Cells are Made of Parts Each Part has a Function: Cytoplasm? Surrounds and Constantly Moves Organelles Nucleus? Brain Mitochondria? Powerplant Endoplasmic Reticulum? Roadways Ribosomes? Protein Factories Golgi Bodies? Post Office Vacuoles? Food Storage Containers Lysosomes? Janitors