1776 and the Revolution
Looking for Battle As 1776 approached the two armies were around Boston but they were not fighting British occupied Boston Continental Army surrounded Boston There was tension but no real fighting Washington had limited supplies so he could not really launch an attack March 1776 British leave Boston and head somewhere (Continentals did not know where)
New York It was clear New York was very important to both sides because of it’s location Washington took his army to NY to defend it from a certain British attack Washington spent months building defenses but he had no navy so he was at a disadvantage without a navy Washington could not fight off the British navy which could surround the Continentals and destroy them
Battle for New York August 1776 British attack NY and drive Washington’s troops from Long Island into Manhattan this was devastating for Washington but he managed to keep his army from being destroyed British next attacked Washington in Manhattan and pushed them from there again this was devastating for Washington but again he saved his army from destruction
Plans for the War British plan was to take New York (and control the Hudson River Valley) to cut New England off from the rest of the colonies believed NE was the trouble maker and this would end of the war Washington’s strategy turned into fight but never let the American army be destroyed retreat to avoid destruction if he could drag the war out and make it costly to British they would have to give up this was not very popular amongst some in Congress and in the army there were some who wanted Washington removed
Finding Momentum By late Fall 1776 Washington’s Army was morally defeated and pushed back to Philadelphia many of the soldiers were about to end their enlistment and most would not re-up British called off the fight for the winter leaving small outposts to defend the territory they had won in New Jersey Washington planned an attack on Trenton for Dec. 26
Trenton Washington’s army crossed the Delaware River against all odds (bad weather) The Americans surprised the Hessian Troops and defeated them easily Hessians were German soldiers for hire fighting for the British legend has it they were drunk from Christmas celebration (Hello, they are German!) but there is no evidence to support this This was a huge victory for Washington’s army provided a large morale boost to the army gave some hope that the cause was not lost