Home Based Business But What Niche? By Steve Duval
What Niche For Your Home Based Business? O In today's modern world what with the internet, there has never been so many opportunities for people to set up a home based business to make money and work from home. The internet is full of business opportunities some good and some not so good, so you need to do your research first before you begin journey into the world of the online home based business. opportunities
Home Based Business World Money
So what niche do you choose for you home based business? O Well there are literally thousands and thousands to choose from. For those of you who are not sure what a niche is, it is basically the business that interests you, lets say you are interested in blogging, well that’s a niche on it’s own or a business that you can make money from. Another niche within the blogging niche is coaching people to set up a blog, that’s a niche sometimes called a sub niche, basically a niche can be anything.
O When you look at the coaching niche that again has many sub niches built within. Let say you know how to set up a word-press blog, you also know how to install a opt-in box for the blog so people can collect there visitors name and address, that’s a niche or a sub niche as some people call it. That could be the starting of your home based business.
Articles O Article writing is another niche, say you are good at writing, then you could sell your services to write articles for other people. OK your good at building word-press blogs and installing opt-in boxes, you could write articles about how this is all done even write articles about how you write articles, these are all niches or sub niches.
Video O Another good niche is video, you know how to use a video camera even edit the film you have videoed, you could offer your services to make videos for people who don’t know how to make a video, you could even upload the videos for you clients, this is a good home based business opportunity to get into.
O So you see there are literally thousands of niches to choose from. A good place to start with for your home based business is to sit back and think about your job that you do now whatever it may be, see if you can think of how you could sell your knowledge to people who want to know how it’s done. You will be surprised how many people will want to know about your knowledge, again this is another niche.
O Lets say your day job is a car mechanic you could set up a website offering your knowledge and experience on fault finding, people would rather pay you a small fee so they could try to fix the problem themselves instead of taking it to the garage that charge a very high price to fix it. That's another niche and a home based business.
O Your home based business could be made up of many small or sub niches that could give you a very good income for the rest of your life. sub niches
O It’s not as hard as you may think it is to get set up, my advise would be to take your time and don’t rush, do some research on Google to find out if there is a need for your service. A good place to check out is Google trends.
O Whatever you do never ever give up on your dream to have your own home based business, like I said before there is a niche out there for everyone.
Steve Duval