Monday – comparison of Great Depression + Argentine crisis + Tuesday – New Spanish vocab (gustar?) + Practice gustar + description practice Wednesday –


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El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing” In English, the equivalent is “to like”
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Presentation transcript:

Monday – comparison of Great Depression + Argentine crisis + Tuesday – New Spanish vocab (gustar?) + Practice gustar + description practice Wednesday – New Spanish vocab (gustar?) + Practice gustar + description practice Thursday – Begin discussion of Argentine history (los desaparecidos, Eva Peron, native tribe destruction) Friday – continue with history (argentine tango???) Monday/Tuesday – start project (language)

Hoy es lunes, el 18 de noviembre. Esponja: Take out your articles from Friday and respond to these questions in your own words: 1. What caused the crisis you read about? 2. How did it affect the people in that country? 3. What other issues came as a result of the crisis? 4. How was it resolved?

With your group, share some details about each. Make sure you answer these questions: – What were the causes of each crisis? – How did each crisis affect the citizens of the country? – What other problems occurred because of the crises? – How did each country work to resolve the issue? – Has the problem been fixed? If yes, how?

How was Argentinas economic crisis different (and similar) to the Great Depression? Create a Venn Diagram that compares theses events. Unique things about Great Depression Unique things about Argentinas crisis Similarities

Hoy es martes, el 19 de noviembre. Esponja: Write a description for each person: 1. Mr. Detamore (the science teacher) 2. Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games 3. Spongebob Squarepants 4. Mrs. Smith (the P.E. teacher) 5. Selena Gomez 6. Kanye West 6TH PERIODLETS GET OUR CONFERENCE INFO!

Any other differences? How did they end? What new words/phrases do we have as a result?

Hoy es miércoles, el 20 de noviembre. Esponja: First, write down some words or phrases that are related to what we spoke about yesterday or that were created because of those crises (historical events impacting and changing language). THEN, write the six forms of the verb ser and their meanings: 1. Yo ______ = 2. Tú ______ = 3. Él/ella/usted ______ = 4. Nosotros ______ = 5. Vosotros ______ = 6. Ellos/ellas/ustedes ______ =

What are the six forms of ser? What are the three forms of tener youve learned? How can we describe these people?

Descripción 1° Garfield

Descripción 2° Edward Cullen (a.k.a. Robert Pattinson)

Descripción 3° Jackie Chan

Descripción 4° Lil Wayne

Descripción 5° Barbie

Descripción 6° Dora

Descripción 7° Nicki Minaj

Descripción 8° Justin Bieber

p. 39 en el libro Gustar = to like (more like to please) me gusta = it pleases me (yo) te gusta = it pleases you (tú) le gusta = it pleases him/her/you (formal) (él/ella/usted) nos gusta = it pleases us (nosotros) les gusta = it pleases them/you all (formal) (ellos/ellas/ustedes)

¿Qué te gusta hacer? = What do you like to do? comer = to eat correr = to run jugar = to play (as in, sports/activities) leer = to read ver el televisor/peliculas = to watch tv/movies

Hoy es jueves, el 21 de noviembre. Esponja: ¿Cómo se dice? 1. I like to run. 2. He likes to play soccer (soccer = futbol). 3. We dont like to read. 4. They like to eat tacos. 5. You like to watch movies. 6. I dont like to eat pizza.

Military dictatorship took over country ( ) – Military coup – Military appointed Jorge Rafael Videla as president Shift from populist government to a severe right-wing dictatorship – Philosophy indicated that military would use force to return Argentinas values Around 30,000 disappeared (men, women and children) – left wing groups also participated in some kidnappings Number included protestors and also innocent people – Kidnapped – Tortured – Killed – South Atlantic cemetery Sánchez, Gervasio. Los desaparecidos de Gervasio Sánchez.

Some graphic/difficult images

Hoy es viernes, el 22 de noviembre. Esponja: 1. What were the two sides in Argentinas Dirty War? 2. How did the government change? 3. What happpened to the young womans family? 4. Why did the mans father get taken?

White boards! Lets practice describing each other!

Lets look over your old descriptions of your family members. What did you do well? What do you need to fix?