Dinosaurland Travel Board 2009 Marketing Program
Dinosaurland Travel Board is organized to market and promote tourism on behalf of Daggett, Duchesne and Uintah Counties. Mission Statement
Target our potential visitors within our drive market, particularly along the Wasatch Front. Our advertising emphasis is on our outstanding qualities Uncrowded destination Array of outdoor adventure and fun Outstanding scenic beauty Drive interest and awareness of the camping and recreational vehicle opportunities within Northeastern Utah. Our Marketing Strategy
2009 Budget Breakdown 84% of our funds are spent directly on advertising
Northeastern Utah Regional Magazine Northeastern Utah Winter Recreation Guide Nine Mile Canyon Flaming Gorge Country One Day Tours Dinosaur Hunting License Tear Sheet Maps Our Publications
Regional Magazine Summary Total amount collected for ads:$38,005 Graphic Design Cost:$ 3,525 Ad Solicitation:$ 4,978 Printing (100,000):$47,726 Total:$56,229 30,699 magazines sent out nationwide from internet and print advertising requests 15,000 sent to Welcome Centers in Utah, Colorado, Wyoming 2,040 distributed at Travel Shows in Utah and Colorado
30,699 Brochures were sent out in % of requests came from internet banner advertising on Utah.com, Dinoland.com or Go-Utah.com 15% of requests are leads from print advertising like National Geographic, Woodall’s **In 2009 we are currently averaging 500 Regional Magazines a week** 2008 Regional Magazine Distribution
Drive Market Campaign Outdoor Advertising$22, (Trax, SLC Bus) Billboard (Outside Green River, WY)$25, Park City Magazine$ 3, Salt Lake Magazine$ 4, Regional Vacation Guides$ 4, Trade Shows$13, (International Sportsmen, & RV, Boat, Travel Shows) Total Cost for Drive Market$73,268.00
12 – Salt Lake Trax Exterior 21 – Salt Lake Metro – Kings 12 – Salt Lake Metro- Queens Total Cost for Spring and Fall Campaign: $22, Salt Lake City Outdoor Campaign
Distributed 2,040 Regional Magazines Shows attended: *Denver Sportsmen *Colorado RV *Salt Lake RV *Salt Lake Sportsmen Total Cost: $13, Travel Shows
RV Publications$11, (RV Journal, RV Life & Woodall’s) AAA Tour Book (Utah & Colorado)$ 6, UTR Travel Show $ 2, National Geographic Co-op Ad$ 4, Yellowstone Journal Co-op Ad$ 7, Outdoor Utah$ 4, Utah Accommodations Guide Co-op Ad$ 6, Salt Lake Visitors Guide$ 3, Design/Development$ Internet Advertising$13, (Banner Ads, Web Hosting, Web Site) Total Cost for Destination Advertising:$60, Destination Advertising Campaign
Office # Toll Free # Address: 134 West Main, Suite 101, Vernal, UT Contact Information