1 © 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO in Western Balkans and Turkey TACSO 2 Comparative report Capacity Building of CSO in Western Balkans and Turkey.


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Presentation transcript:

1 © 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO in Western Balkans and Turkey TACSO 2 Comparative report Capacity Building of CSO in Western Balkans and Turkey TACSO 2 Comparative report © 2015 Ipsos. All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos' Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of Ipsos. FEBRUARY – APRIL 2016

1 METHODOLOGY 2 © 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO

3 METHODOLOGY GENERAL POPULATION CSO DATA COLLECTIONFebruary – April 2016February – April 2014 SAMPLE UNIVERSEPopulation of the country 18+Mostly unknown SAMPLE SIZE At least 1000 respondents per country CSO per country TYPE OF SAMPLE Stratified random sample Representative for country population Convenience quota sample. Quotas are defined by region and main areas of activity with the aim of maximizing the dispersion. Most relevant CSOs are included in the sample. DATA COLLECTION METHOD Face-to-face in all countries except Albania, Macedonia and Turkey (CATI) Combined method – F2F, CAWI, CATI POST-STRATIFICATIONBy gender, age and education

4 CSO SURVEY - MAIN AREAS OF ACTIVITY I group:II group: DemocratizationHuman rights AnticorruptionHuman trafficking EU integrationsSocial inclusion Education and researchHumanitarian work Development of media III group:IV group: Sustainable developmentYouth EcologyChildren Rural development V group: Other


22 6 © 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO Assessment of the environment

7 If you compared the current situation with the one a year ago, would you say that circumstances for the development of civil sector are more favourable now, or one year ago? Circumstances for the development of civil sector Base: Total target population Circumstances are much less favorable now Circumstances are somewhat less favorable now Circumstances are somewhat more favorable now Circumstances are much more favorable now

8 How would you evaluate the legal regulations which regulate the work of civil society organizations in our country? Legal regulations which regulate the work of CSO Base: Total target population Very badMainly badMainly goodVery good

9 Most important thing in legal regulations for improving CSO functioning Base: Total target population What is the one, most important thing that has to be changed in legal regulations to improve the functioning of civil society organizations in our country? 46% 14%13%13%16% 28%16% 15% 12% 10%10%10%12% 9%9%9% 11% 7%7% 8%8%9%9%10% 8%8%6%6% 6%6% CSO tax exemptions Law on Volunteering Cooperation/ support of state bodies Models of CSO financing CSO Categorization CSO tax exemptions Regulation of state budget finances CSO tax exemptions Better implementation of current laws Law on Associations of citizens Govermantal financing Financial regulations for CSO Models of CSO financing Support of state bodies CSO Categorization Models of CSO financing CSO tax exemptions Support of state bodies Models of CSO financing Promotion of CSOs

10 How would you evaluate the freedom of the press in your country at the moment? The freedom of the press - general population Base: Total target population Very badMainly badMainly goodVery good

33 11 © 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO Employees and volunteers

12 How many employees are there in your civil society organization regardless of whether they are on full time contract or on part time contract? Out of that number, how many employees work full time and how many work part time (in accordance with the labour legislation in your country)? Employees in civil society sector Base: Total target population No. of employees Trimmed mean No. of employees Trimmed mean 4.8

13 In your opinion, to what extent are legal solutions in our country stimulating for the development and engaging of volunteers? Impact of legal solutions on stimulating volunteering Base: Total target population Not stimulating at allMainly not stimulatingMainly stimulatingAbsolutely stimulating

14 In your opinion, how many civil society organizations in our country engaged volunteers, in real sense of the word, in 2015, expressed in percentages? Did your organization engage volunteers during last year (2015)? If yes, could you roughly estimate the number of volunteers which your organization engaged during 2015? How many working hours per week did the volunteers work on average in 2015? Engaging volunteers 33% 29% 24% 53% 41 % 27% 64% Base: Total target population Estimation about the percentage of CSOs that engage volunteers Percentage of CSOs that stated they engaged volunteers in %79%77%66%72%72%77% 86% Average working hours per week of voluntary work in h 16.6h 12.5h 15h 13.5h 12.9h 22.4h

15 Trends in engaging volunteers Base: Organizations which engaged volunteers during last year (77% of target population) In 2015, did your organization engage more, less or the same number of volunteers in comparison to 2014?

16 Did you engage in some sort of volunteer work (in real sense of the word) during the past year (2015)? During the past year, for how long have you been engaged in any sort of volunteer work? Could you please make an estimation, what was the average number of volunteer work hours per week you performed during the last year? Citizens engaging in voluntary work 7%7% 11% 6%6% 4% 4%4% 12% 15% Base: Total target population Percentage of citizens which stated they engaged in voluntary work in 2015 Average period of voluntary engagement in 2015 (weeks – trimmed mean) Average working hours per week of voluntary work in h 11.9 h 20 h 16.3 h 16.9 h 15.7 h 15.5 h

44 17 © 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO Financial sustainability

18 Bearing in mind how difficult it is to find donors for CSO activities nowadays, many organizations are forced to collect funds for activities not in line with organization’s core mission. According to your experience, do our domestic CSOs mainly stick to their strategic plan and/or organisational mission and collect funds for activities in line with their strategic plan and/or organisational mission or they mainly adapt to donors’ priorities and collect funds also for other activities not in line with their strategic plan and/or organisational mission? The manner in which the CSOs raise funds Base: Total target population Organization Sector Has strategic plan Has strategic plan 63

19 Does your organization have a developed strategic plan? Is your organization able to raise funds according to your strategic plan and if yes, how much of the strategic plan’s budget has your organization been able to fundraise? Raising funds according to strategic plan 55%52%67% 66% 68 % 58% 74% Base: Total target population Percentage of organizations which have a developed strategic plan Percentage of the strategic plan’s budget the organizations have been able to fundraise? 46% 50% 40% 44% 69% 50%

20 Have you had any income from the following sources in the past fiscal year? Income sources in the past fiscal year Base: Total target population

21 Have you had any income from the following sources in the past fiscal year? Income sources in the past fiscal year Base: Total target population Region BiHSerbiaMontenegroMacedoniaKosovoAlbaniaTurkey Local self-government and / or regional administration Other FOREIGN private or state resources (for example embassies) Government / ministries / state administration bodies - Have you had any income from the following sources in the past fiscal year? Members' fees Own economic activity of your organization Citizens donations EU funds Private companies operating in the country Members' donations Public companies No. different income sources

22 Has there been an increase, decrease, or no change in public funding of your CSO, in comparison to one year ago? Public funding of CSO, in comparison to year ago Base: Those CSOs which have received public funding during the last year (55% of target population)

23 Has your organization received any in-kind contribution from the state od local government in the past fiscal year? In-kind contribution from the state od local government Base: Total target population

55 24 © 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO Cooperation with the government

25 How would you describe the current structures and mechanisms for dialog and cooperation between CSOs and... Structures and mechanisms for dialog and cooperation Base: Total target population STATE INSTITUTIONS LOCAL GOVERNMENT BODIES

26 Over the last year, has your organization participated in the development of national and local strategies, strategic documents and other similar documents: CSO participation in the development of... Base: Total target population Strategies and local action plans

27 Over the last year, has your organization participated in the development of national and local strategies, strategic documents and other similar documents: CSO which didn’t participated in the development of... Base: Total target population

28 If you have taken part in consultations regarding laws, strategies or policy reforms, in general, did you have: Adequate access to information and enough time for comments Base: Those CSOs which participated in the development of different document during the last year (55% of target population) Adequate access to information Enough time for comments

29 Please evaluate the quality of structures and mechanisms in place for dialogue and cooperation between CSOs and public institutions in your country; in terms of: Quality of mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation between CSOs and public institutions Base: Total target population Perception of structures and mechanisms in total

30 Please evaluate the quality of structures and mechanisms in place for dialogue and cooperation between CSOs and public institutions in your country; in terms of: Quality of mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation between CSOs and public institutions Base: Total target population CSO representation in general Representation of smaller/weaker CSOs Its visibility and availability

31 Please tell me would you agree with the following statements regarding the mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation between CSOs and public institutions? Quality of mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation between CSOs and public institutions Base: Total target population Mechanisms for dialogue are clear Mechanisms for dialogue are open

32 Please tell me would you agree with the following statements regarding the mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation between CSOs and public institutions? Quality of mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation between CSOs and public institutions Base: Total target population Mechanisms for dialogue are accessible Mechanisms for dialogue are efficient

33 If you have taken part in consultations regarding laws, strategies or policy reforms, in general, to what extent have your attitudes been considered in the consultation process? Suggestions/comments in the consultation process Base: Those CSOs which participated in the development of different document during the last year (55% of target population)

34 Feedback and/or publication of consultation results How would you describe feedback and/or publication of consultation results you had taken part in by the public administration bodies? Base: Those CSOs which participated in the development of different document during the last year (55% of target population)

66 35 © 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO Reporting and Management

36 Decision making in the CSO’s (laws and rules) Base: Total target population Organization Sector If you think for a moment about the management of civil society organizations in our country, would you say that decision making in civil society organizations (CSO) is: And would you say that decision making in civil society organizations (CSO) is:

37 And would you say that decision making in civil society organizations (CSO) is: Decision making in the CSO’s (participants) Base: Total target population Organization Sector

38 Does any internal act prescribed in your organization have a defined obligation to inform the members, or Managerial or Supervisory Board, customers or general public about the results of your work? Do you inform the following instances about the results of your organization’s work? Informing others about the results of CSOs work Base: Total target population 87% % of CSOs with prescribed obligation to inform others about the results of their work 94%80%80%80%83%83%77%79% Members of your organization Founders of your organization Managerial Board Beneficiaries of your organization Assembly Supervisory Board General public

39 Are the following documents of your organization accessible to public? Publication/accessibility of CSOs documents Base: Total target population Results of CSOs work Statute Rulebook (an internal code of conduct)

40 Are the following documents of your organization accessible to public? Publication/accessibility of CSOs documents Base: Total target population Annual activity report Financial reports Financial statements that are audited

41 Are the following documents of your organization accessible to public? In your opinion, which percentage of civil society organizations in our country annually publish...? Publication/accessibility of CSOs documents Base: Total target population Annual activity report Financial reports Financial statements that are audited

42 How CLEAR and UNDERSTANDABLE are (by legal framework) prescribed financial rules, obligation of bookkeeping and accounting, that refer to your organization? Comprehension of the prescribed financial rules Base: Total target population Not at all clear and understandable Mainly not clear and understandable Mainly clear and understandable Completely clear and understandable

43 How SIMPLE it is to IMPLEMENT (by legal framework) prescribed financial rules, obligation of bookkeeping and accounting, that refer to your organization? Implementation of the prescribed financial rules Base: Total target population Not at all simpleMainly not simpleMainly simpleCompletely simple

44 How REASONABLE are the prescribed financial rules, obligation of bookkeeping and accounting, that refer to your organization? Implementation of the prescribed financial rules Base: Total target population Not at all reasonableMainly not reasonableMainly reasonableCompletely reasonable

45 Please tell me would you agree with the following statements regarding the support system within the institutions that CSOs are obliged to report to, when it comes to implementation of financial (including tax) rules. When it comes to implementation of financial (including tax) rules - there is an efficient support system within the institutions that CSOs are obliged to report to. Base: Total target population

46 Please tell me would you agree with the following statements regarding the support system within the institutions that CSOs are obliged to report to, when it comes to implementation of financial (including tax) rules. Support system within these institutions provides clear instructions regarding implementation of financial (including tax) rules. Base: Total target population

47 Please tell me would you agree with the following statements regarding the support system within the institutions that CSOs are obliged to report to, when it comes to implementation of financial (including tax) rules. These institutions are providing support services in a standardised manner with competent and knowledgeable staff on the matter in hand. Base: Total target population

48 People have different opinions about evaluation of projects which are realized in our country by civil society organizations. While some of them think that evaluation of the projects is usually done pro forma, others think that the projects are evaluated for the purpose of establishing the efficiency and drawing a lesson for further projects. Which of these two opinions is closer to your own? Projects evaluation Base: Total target population

49 Do you have an established system for the assessment of efficiency for: Systems for the assessment of efficiency Base: Those CSO which have at least two employees (66% of target population) Implementation of projects Staff performance appraisal Implementation of strategic plan

50 When evaluating the efficiency, do you use more frequently the services of external evaluators or internal evaluation? Use of external evaluators and internal evaluation Implementation of projects Staff performance appraisal Implementation of strategic plan Base: Those CSO which have at least two employees (66% of target population)

77 51 © 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO Human Capital and Sources of information

52 Human resources development plan Base: Total target population Do you have a human resources development plan aimed at attracting and keeping talented associates?

53 Would you say that your organization manages to keep talented associates? / Would you say that your organization manages to attract quality new people? Keeping talented associates and attracting quality new people Base: Total target population Keeping talented associates Attracting quality new people

54 If your organization is active in the area of public advocacy, how frequently do you use analysis and/or research results for your advocacy activities? Usage of analysis / research results in advocacy activities Base: Total target population

88 55 © 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO Networking

56 In your opinion, how efficient are CSO networks in GENERAL? Effectiveness of CSO networks Base: Total target population Regional / International National Local

57 According to your experience, what are the benefits of membership in CSO networks? Benefits of membership in CSO networks TOP FIVE (similar benefits merged) Base: Total target population

99 58 © 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO Visibility andVisibility andSelf-Perception

59 In your opinion, do people trust CSOs in your country? Self perception of CSOs trustworthiness Base: Total target population

60 In your opinion, do people trust CSOs in your country? Self perception of CSOs trustworthiness Base: Total target population

61 Visibility of CSO’s Base: Total target population How would you assess visibility of CSOs in your country? Some people think that CSOs are, in general, not present enough in public, others say that their presence is just right, while some think that they are too present. Which of these 3 opinions is closest to your own:

62 Reasons for the insufficient CSOs presence in the public Base: Those CSOs whic thing that CSOs in general are not present enough in public (54% of target population) If you think that CSOs are not sufficiently present in public, do you think that the reason is insufficient interest of the media in our country in reporting on CSO activities or insufficient (or inadequate) CSO activity in terms of increasing their presence in public?

63 © 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO Priorities and activities of CSOs 1010

64 Assessment of importance of problems and areas Base: Total target population General population Extremely important General population Extremely important

65 Assessment of importance of problems and areas Base: Total target population CSO population Extremely important CSO population Extremely important

66 Assessment of CSO activities in eliminating the problems in given areas Base: Total target population General population Mainly + Very active General population Mainly + Very active

67 Assessment of CSO activities in eliminating the problems in given areas Base: Total target population CSO population Mainly + Very active CSO population Mainly + Very active

68 Perception of the role of CSOs - Albania Base: Total target population Perception of the importance of the problems Assessment of the of activities of CSO’s in fighting the problems Overseeing government and local governments performance Human rights Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Rural development Employment Fight against corruption Violence The young and their problems Ecology Protection of animals Rights of women Culture and art Security Education Social care and humanitarian activities Rights of women Human rights Social care and humanitarian activities Ecology The young and their problems Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Violence Education Culture and art Protection of animals Fight against corruption Overseeing government and local governments performance Security Employment Rural development EU integration General population CSO sector EU integration

69 Perception of the role of CSOs – B&H Base: Total target population Perception of the importance of the problems Assessment of the of activities of CSO’s in fighting the problems Overseeing government and local governments performance Human rights Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Rural development Employment Fight against corruption Violence The young and their problems Ecology Protection of animals Rights of women Culture and art Security Education Social care and humanitarian activities Rights of women Human rights Social care and humanitarian activities Ecology The young and their problems Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Violence Education Culture and art Protection of animals Fight against corruption Overseeing government and local governments performance Security Employment Rural development General population CSO sector EU integration

70 Perception of the role of CSOs - Kosovo Base: Total target population Perception of the importance of the problems Assessment of the of activities of CSO’s in fighting the problems Overseeing government and local governments performance Human rights Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Rural development Employment Fight against corruption Violence The young and their problems Ecology Protection of animals Rights of women Culture and art Security Education Social care and humanitarian activities Rights of women Human rights Social care and humanitarian activities Ecology The young and their problems Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Violence Education Culture and art Protection of animals Fight against corruption Overseeing government and local governments performance Security Employment Rural development EU integration General population CSO sector

71 Perception of the role of CSOs - Macedonia Base: Total target population Perception of the importance of the problems Assessment of the of activities of CSO’s in fighting the problems Overseeing government and local governments performance Human rights Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Rural development Employment Fight against corruption Violence The young and their problems Ecology Protection of animals Rights of women Culture and art Security Education Social care and humanitarian activities Rights of women Human rights Social care and humanitarian activities Ecology The young and their problems Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Violence Education Culture and art Protection of animals Fight against corruption Overseeing government and local governments performance Security Employment Rural development EU integration General population CSO sector

72 Perception of the role of CSOs - Montenegro Base: Total target population Perception of the importance of the problems Assessment of the of activities of CSO’s in fighting the problems Employment Security Overseeing government and local governments performance Human rights Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Rural development Fight against corruption Violence The young and their problems Protection of animals Rights of women Culture and art Security Education Social care and humanitarian activities Ecology EU integration Ecology Social care and humanitarian activities Rights of women Human rights The young and their problems Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Violence Education Culture and art Protection of animals Fight against corruption Overseeing government and local governments performance Employment Rural development EU integration General population CSO sector

73 Perception of the role of CSOs - Serbia Base: Total target population Perception of the importance of the problems Assessment of the of activities of CSO’s in fighting the problems Overseeing government and local governments performance Human rights Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Rural development Employment Fight against corruption Violence The young and their problems Ecology Protection of animals Rights of women Culture and art Security Education Social care and humanitarian activities Rights of women Human rights Social care and humanitarian activities Ecology The young and their problems Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Violence Education Culture and art Protection of animals Fight against corruption Overseeing government and local governments performance Security Employment Rural development EU integration General population CSO sector

74 Perception of the role of CSOs - Turkey Base: Total target population Perception of the importance of the problems Assessment of the of activities of CSO’s in fighting the problems Security Education Social care and humanitarian activities Ecology Overseeing government and local governments performance Human rights Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Rural development Employment Fight against corruption Violence The young and their problems Ecology Protection of animals Rights of women Culture and art Social care and humanitarian activities Rights of women Human rights The young and their problems Fight against drug abuse and alcoholism Violence Education Culture and art Protection of animals Fight against corruption Overseeing government and local governments performance Security Employment Rural development EU integration General population CSO sector

© 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO Confidence in institutions

76 I will now read the names of several public institutions, please tell me how much do you trust each one of them, on a scale 1 to 4, where 1 means that you have no trust in this institution at all, and 4 means that you trust this institution very much. Confidence in institutions Base: Total target population General population Mainly + completely trust General population Mainly + completely trust

77 To what extent do the following institutions support dealing with problems our country is faced with? Perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems Base: Total target population General population Mainly + to a great extent General population Mainly + to a great extent

78 Trust in CSO and perception of the commitment of CSO to solve problems Base: Total target population

79 Relationship between trust and perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems - Albania Base: Total target population Police Media President of the state Government CSO’s Local government Parliament Judiciary Unions Political parties TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS Perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems

80 Relationship between trust and perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems – B&H Base: Total target population Police Media Government CSO’s Local government Parliament Judiciary Unions Political parties TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS Perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems Presidency

81 Relationship between trust and perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems - Kosovo Base: Total target population Police Media President of the state Government CSO’s Local government Parliament Judiciary Unions Political parties TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS Perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems

82 Relationship between trust and perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems - Macedonia Base: Total target population Police Media President of the state Government CSO’s Local government Parliament Judiciary Unions Political parties TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS Perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems

83 Relationship between trust and perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems - Montenegro Base: Total target population Police Media President of the state Government CSO’s Local government Parliament Judiciary Unions Political parties TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS Perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems

84 Relationship between trust and perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems - Serbia Base: Total target population Police Media Government CSO’s Local government Parliament Judiciary Unions Political parties TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS Perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems President of the state

85 Relationship between trust and perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems - Turkey Base: Total target population Police Media President of the state Government CSO’s Local government Parliament Judiciary Unions Political parties TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS Perception of the commitment of institutions to solve problems

© 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO Citizens on CSOsCitizens on CSOs

87 How well informed would you say you are about the CSOs and their activities in your country? Being informed about CSOs and their activities Base: Total target population

88 What are your most common sources of information regarding the CSOs and their activities? Sources of information regarding the CSOs and their activities Base: Total target population

89 How would you evaluate the cooperation between the CSOs and government in your country?. Cooperation between the CSOs and government Base: Total target population

© 2015 Ipsos. Capacity Building of CSO TACSO

91 How familiar are you with the type of services TACSO offers to civil society organizations? Familiarity with services TACSO offers to CSOs Base: Total target population Not familiar at allMainly not familiarMainly familiarFully familiar

92 Please consider the areas in which TACSO activities might contribute to your organization development most. Which of these activities would your organization benefit most from? Which one is first most important? First most important benefit of TACSO activities for CSOs Base: Total target population

93 31%52%30% 35% 24% 4% 1% TACSO services and Resource centers 49 % Base: Total target population Percentage of organizations which used any of TACSO services in the past 12 moths Percentage of CSOs which have heard that TACSO project since October 2014 has its resource center 33%33%58% 41%41%43% 7% Percentage of CSOs which know which organisation is the Resource center of TACSO in their country 17%18%37% 17%22% 42%

94 Atitude toward TACSO Resource centers Base: Those CSOs which stated that they know which CSO is the Resource Center of TACSo in their country (16% target population) It is one of the most relevant organisation for civil society development It is one of the leading organisations for promotion of civil dialogue It is one of the leading organizations for capacity building of CSOs

95 Atitude toward TACSO Resource centers It is one of the leading organisations that contributes to enabling environment for the work of CSOs It is neutral towards other actors of civil society It is transparent and accountable in its work Base: Those CSOs which stated that they know which CSO is the Resource Center of TACSo in their country (16% target population)

96 Atitude toward TACSO Resource centers It is open with all organizations It is cooperative to other organizations It is supportive to all organizations in need Base: Those CSOs which stated that they know which CSO is the Resource Center of TACSo in their country (16% target population)

97 In your opinion, which of the following CSO roles is MOST IMPORTANT for European integration Progress report (monitoring the process of reporting on the country’s progress towards the EU)? The most important CSO roles for EU integration Progress report Base: Total target population

98 © 2015 Ipsos.