The Rise of Islam Chapter 6, Section 1
Arabian Geography In the seventh century BCE Arab tribes began to emerge as a force on the Arabian peninsula Arabian Peninsula – a desert land lacking in rivers, and lakes These early tribes were nomads, who moved constantly to find water and food
These early tribes were ruled by a sheikh Sheikh were chosen from a group of elders Primarily these tribes were sheepherders and farmers on the coasts of the Arabian peninsula
Early Religion Early Arabic peoples were polytheistic Polytheistic – believing/worshipping many gods However, Arabs did recognize a supreme god named – Allah (Allah is Arabic for God)
Arabs trace their ancestry to Abraham and his son Ishmael Ishmael built a house of worship, the Kaaba, in Makkah (Mecca) This becomes the center of the Islamic world
Life of Muhammad Muhammad was a merchant who managed caravans that traversed the desert Over time he became troubled by the growing problems in Mecca’s society He started to visit the surrounding hills to meditate and search for answers
While on one of these trips, Muhammad was visited by the archangel Gabriel Gabriel brought to Muhammad certain revelations from God (Allah) These were thought to be the final revelations from God
These revelations were written down They are now called the Quran Quran – holy book of Islam Islam – peace through submission to the will of Allah
Muhammad came home after receiving these messages and decided to spread the word At first only about 30 people followed Muhammad In 622, Muhammad moved out of Makkah to madinah
In Madinah he found supporters These supporters were from the Bedouin tribes They formed the first groups of Muslims, people who follow Islam
Eventually Muhammad and his supporters left Madinah They went back to Makkah and conquered the city Soon Islam became the primary religion of the Arabian Peninsula
The Teaching of Muhammad Islam is a monotheistic religion Monotheism – believing/worshipping only one god Islam emphasizes salvation and offers the hope of an afterlife, those who desire an afterlife must submit to the will of Allah
However, unlike Christianity, Muslims do not believe that any of the prophets were divine Muhammad was simply a messenger as was Moses and Jesus
Islam is a direct and simple faith Stresses the need to obey the will of Allah To do this means practicing acts of worship called the Five Pillars of Islam
Five Pillars of Islam Belief – Believing there is no deity but the One God, and Muhammad is his messenger Prayer – Performing the prescribed prayers five times a day Charity – Giving part of one’s wealth to the poor (giving alms) Fasting – Refraining from food and drink from dawn to sunset through the month of Ramadan Pilgrimage – Making a pilgrimage to Makkah once in a lifetime
Shari’ah – a law code which provides believers with a set of practical laws to regulate their daily lives Muslims are forbidden to: gamble, eat pork, drink alcohol, engage in dishonest behavior