Islam Expands
Muhammad’s Successors Spread Islam Muhammad dies in 634 4 “Rightly Guided Caliphs Abu Bakr Umar Uthman Ali
Expansion By 634 with Abu Bakr’s death Muslim armies conquered Syria and Lower Egypt. Umar and Uthman continue to expand and by 750 Islamic Empire reachs 6,000 miles from Atlantic Ocean to Indus River.
Reasons for Success Muslims see the military success as a sign from God to continue to expand. Byzantine and Sassanid empire had been fights and were exhausted militarily. Persecuted people under the Byzantine and Sassanid rule welcomed the invaders and chose to accept Islam.
Treatment of Conquered Peoples Qur’an bans forced conversion and allowed “People of the Book to follow their own religion. Christians and Jews could not spread their religion but they could live peacefully and work as scholars, officials and bureaucrats.
Internal Conflict Creates a Crisis 656 Uthman is murdered and this starts a civil war. Ali becomes Caliph but Muawiya challenges him and Ali was assassinated. Ummayads come to power and move the capital to Damascus. Easier to control empire from Damascus.
Sunni-Shi’a Split Shi’a resist the rule of the Ummayads. Shi’a called for a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad to be Caliph. Sunni did not resist the rule of the Ummayads. Sufi reject the luxury of life and pursue a life of poverty and devotion to a spiritual life. Ummayads overthrown in 750 and the Abbasids take over.
Control Extends Over Three Continents Abbasids tried to wipe out the Ummayads, but one fled to Spain and set up an Ummayad Caliphate. North African Muslims (Berbers) had settled in Spain in the early 700s. Abbasids move their capital to Baghdad.
Rival Groups Divide Muslim Lands Abbasids last from 750 to 1258 Independent Muslim states started, like the Fatimid Fatimid Empire formed by Shi’a Muslims descended from Prophet Muhammad’s daughter Fatima. Spread across North Africa into W. Arabia and Syria.
Muslim Trade Network Two trade networks Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. Engages in sea trade with the rest of the world. Connects the Silk Roads of China and India with Europe and Africa.
Muslim Trade Muslim’s set up banks throughout their empire. Offered sakks (checks) to merchants. Cordoba in Spain had over 200,000 people and became a leading city for poets, philosophers and scientists. Leaders in the arts and sciences.