Assiut Governorate El-Badary Educational Directorate Al-Nawowra Primary School “My BODY” Primary Six Year By: Mr.Youssri Mostafa An English Teacher
“My BODY” By: Mr.Youssri Mostafa
Essential Question Why do we need the others? How do you communicate with others? Unit Questions What are the first aids? What are the differences between human and animal of their bodies?
Content Questions 1)What do you know about human body? Choose the correct answer from a, b or c: 1. A : What happened, Ahmed? B : a) I broke my arm. b) He rode his bike. c) You played football. 2. Ahmed : a) I must wash it. b) I must put ice on it. c) I fell off my bike. Ramy : You must be more careful.
Write questions using words from brackets: Mustafa hurt his arm. [ Who ] ………………………………………………………... Mai has got a sling. [ What ] ………………………………………………………... The boy broke his leg yesterday. [ When ] ………………………………………………………... Mother put a bandage on my head. [ Where ] ………………………………………………………... My eyes are brown. [ What colour ] ………………………………………………………... I fell off my bike. [ What ] ………………………………………………………...
1)Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each: 3-…………………… ………………………. 2-…………………… ……………………… 1-……………………… …………………………
Look at the following pictures, and then write a sentence on each: … … … )Punctuate the following sentence: what happened mustafa ……………………………………………………..
1-What is your body consisting of?
2-What are the five senses?
3-How many eyes do you have? 4-How many ears do you have?
5-How many hands do you have? 6-How many fingers do you have?
5-How many heads do you have?
What are “Parts of the body” ?
7-What are the differences between our body and body of animal?
8-What are the First Aids?
What are new vocabulary of “my body” ? ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… …………….. ……………… Body parts chin finger cheek ……………… ……………… ……………… ………………. ……………… ………………. ………...……...……………… ………………
The Past Simple Tense زمن الماضى البسيط -We use the past simple tense for an action that started and completed. Subject + verb + d / ed / ied. Positive :-الإثبات I fell off my bike yesterday. He played football last week. What happened to Mustafa? Negative She didn’t break her leg yesterday. He didn’t see the match. Subject + didn’t + verb infinitive
3 – Questions الأسئلة Did she hear her teacher advice last week? - Yes, she did. - No, she didn ’ t. Did + subject + verb infinitive? What are the irregular verbs you knok? cut ……………………….. ………………………. ……………………….. ………………………
The imperative صيغة الأمر What do you know about The imperative The imperative start with……………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………
9-What should you do when someone made an accident?
10-What should you do when someone injuried? ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………….
Certificates and values presents For best team: الشكر والتقديرللتلميذ / تقديرا لجهوده المميزة فى إعداد أفضل عرض تقديمي بالفصل ضمن الحقيبة التعليمية لمشروع جسمى"My body" للصف السادس –مادة اللغة الانجليزية مع أطيب تمنيات المدرسة له بمزيد من التقدم والتوفيق. تحت إشراف: أ / يسرى مصطفى المشرف على المشروع
شهادة تقدير تلاميذ الصف السادس/ نقدم لكن جزيل الشكر والامتنان على المجهود الذى بذلتموه فى هذا العمل ونرجو لكن التوفيق الدائم والتفوق المثمر مع تحياتى مدير المدرسة
Resources Pupils book for primary six. Books about parts of human body. Books about parts of first aids. Books about accidents and injuries. Books about parts of animal body. Story books. Cards and Pictures for parts of human body. Cards and Pictures for parts of animal body. Cards and Pictures for first aids. Cassette and CDs If possible real English people and pen pals You can click and hear every individual word pronounced, hear every page read, and listen to real English speakers. (This website contain) This website is about develop English skills like listening, speaking, writing and reading It’s really perfect for English learners (This website contain) All About Americans and CanadiansAll About Americans and Canadians- This is a goldmine for English speakers
With my best wishes Mr. Youssri Mostafa