The Lost Bear Written by Hannah Ruble
There once was a young boy named Jeremiah who loved animals so much that he went to the zoo every day. His favorite animal of all time was the bears. Especially a bear named Louie.
On a normal day for Jeremiah, he went to the zoo and headed strait for Louie, his bear friend, but today, Louie wasn’t there! Louie had escaped! Where is Louie?
Jeremiah then took a moment to think of the whereabouts of Louie, his bear friend.
POP! Just like that, Jeremiah thought of where Louie would be. He knew where Louie was from a snippet of a conversation Louie and himself had had a while back. I want to go to the grocery store to buy salmon one day!
Jeremiah then promptly headed toward the grocery store, and before he knew it, he was there!
Jeremiah then looked aisle to aisle, but no Louie! Where could he be? Jeremiah then had ANOTHER flash back to a conversation he and Louie had. I want to go To a grocery Store that is Very far away
So on his way to the other grocery store he decided to take a cab to get there faster.
When Jeremiah got in the cab he told the driver, “jerry’s Gourmet Food Mega store on 14th Street”.
On the way there Jeremiah had $30 dollars in his pocket. Would that be enough to get all the way to 14th Street?
During the ride Jeremiah saw the money-per-mile counter get higher and higher, he suddenly said, “STOP THE CAR!” $20.89
Jeremiah owed $ Now how much would he have left? $30. $23.28 $06.72
Jeremiah had enough money! He quickly paid the cab driver and ran off toward Jerry’s Gourmet Food Mega Store on 14th street.
On Jeremiah’s way to the store he passed a little cart selling crackers. He stopped to buy some. Does he have enough money if the cost of crackers is $01.50? $ $01.50 $05.22
He then ran towards Jerry’s Gourmet Food Mega Store as fast as he could, but something stopped him.
It was a toll booth to get to the other side of the state! Now you know how far away the food store is.
The toll booth worker told Jeremiah he owed $1.50. Would he have enough? $5.22 $1.50 $3.72
He then ran with all his might toward Jerry’s Gourmet Food Mega store to find Louie.
He finally Had Arrived!
Jeremiah then searched left and right, to and fro, through every which isle and STILL couldn’t find Louie!
He then thought of asking the fish guy.
The fish guy said he had seen Louie! He then told Jeremiah to look in the store room. Store Room
Jeremiah then ran toward the store room in search of Louie.
Then In the very last aisle of the store room he found Louie eating salmon. Jeremiah then sat down and brought out the crackers and started eating with him.
When they were finished the fish guy told them their total would be $3.72. $3.72 0