Electromechanical Motor Control 석 사 1기 김한 욱 Systems & control Lab.
1. Modulation for Power Electronic Converters 2.Current control of Generalized Load 3. Drive Principles 4. Concepts and control of DC machine 5. Synchronous Machine Modeling Concepts 6. Control of Synchronous Machine Drives 7. Switched Reluctance Drive Systems 7.1Controller Principles 7.2Control of Non-Salient Synchronous Machines 7.3Control of Salient Synchronous Machines 7.4 Field-Oriented control of a Current-Controlled Synchronous Machines 7.5 Field-Oriented control of a Voltage-Source Connected Synchronous Machine 목차
7.3 Control of Salient Synchronous Machines 3 / 9 [Current locus diagram][Current-speed diagram]
7.3 Control of Salient Synchronous Machines 4 / 9 Saliency factorNormalized form
7.3 Control of Salient Synchronous Machines 5 / 9
7.3 Control of Salient Synchronous Machines 6 / 9 Voltage Limit (Maximum Flux Linage, MF) – The variable is directly linked to the maximum flux linkage – As the shaft speed increases, the maximum flux linkage ellipse reduces in size given that the variable i O is inversely proportional to the speed w s → Imply that the available operating region of the drive is constrained by the area within the ellipse as speed increases – The base speed corresponds to the MF ellipse which coincides with the maximum torque point
7.3 Control of Salient Synchronous Machines 7 / 9 Maximum Torque per Flux Linkage (MTPF) Line – The MPTF trajectory is given by the operating points in which the MF ellipses and the constant torque curves touch in one point → They are the points on the MF ellipses which represent maximum torque Differentiation
7.4, 7.5 Interfacing the Field-Oriented Control Module 8 / 9 Field-oriented control with current source sysnchronous machine model Field-oriented control with voltage source sysnchronous machine model
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