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Jeopardy TERMSNUTRIENT FACTS ANYTHING GOES FOOD STUFF DIET CHEM Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question TERMS What is the unit used to measure energy?
$100 Answer TERMS Calorie
$200 Question TERMS Define malnutrition.
$200 Answer TERMS Over and under nutrition.
$300 Question TERMS Define hunger, appetite, and satiety.
$300 Answer TERMS Hunger: physiological need for food Appetite: psychological desire for food Satiety: physiological feedback mechanism to terminate food intake when full
$400 Question TERMS Define organic.
$400 Answer TERMS Organic means carbon containing.
$500 Question TERMS Explain complementation and give some examples of complementary foods.
$500 Answer TERMS Complementation is combining 2 incomplete proteins so that the amino acids limiting or missing in one are provided by the other and vice versa: Examples include: black beans & rice, bread & peanut butter, pasta & vegetables, corn tortillas & pinto beans, salad with croutons, nuts & seeds.
$100 Question NUTRIENT FACTS What is the preferred fuel for the body?
$100 Answer NUTRIENT FACTS Carbohydrates
$200 Question NUTRIENT FACTS Which 2 types of nutrients function as cofactors for enzymes?
$200 Answer NUTRIENT FACTS Vitamins and Minerals
$300 Question NUTRIENT FACTS Name the 3 most common monosaccharides.
$300 Answer NUTRIENT FACTS Glucose, Fructose, Galactose
$400 Question NUTRIENT FACTS What is the general recommendation for water intake for adult males and females?
$400 Answer NUTRIENT FACTS Males: 3.7 liters per day Females: 2.7 liters per day
$500 Question NUTRIENT FACTS How are Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, & Minerals categorized?
$500 Answer NUTRIENT FACTS Carbohydrates: simple and complex Proteins: complete and incomplete Fats: triglycerides, phospholipids, & sterols Vitamins: fat soluble and water soluble Minerals: major and trace
$100 Question ANYTHING GOES What is the medium for metabolism?
$100 Answer ANYTHING GOES Water
$200 Question ANYTHING GOES Name 2 chronic diseases that are associated with high fat diets.
$200 Answer ANYTHING GOES Heart Disease & Cancer
$300 Question ANYTHING GOES What are 3 beneficial functions for cholesterol in the body?
$300 Answer ANYTHING GOES Used to make bile, vitamin D, and sex hormones Covers myelin sheath Integrates in cell membranes
$400 Question ANYTHING GOES Name 4 of the 7 major minerals.
$400 Answer ANYTHING GOES Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium Sodium, Potassium, Chloride Sulfur
$500 Question ANYTHING GOES What are the 5 characteristics of a sound diet?
$500 Answer ANYTHING GOES Moderation, Variety, Balance, Calorie Control, Adequacy
$100 Question FOOD STUFF What is an animal drink providing simple carbohydrate?
$100 Answer FOOD STUFF Milk
$200 Question FOOD STUFF What are food sources of complete (high biological value, high quality) protein?
$200 Answer FOOD STUFF Anything from the animal world. Beef, chicken, pork, fish, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.
$300 Question FOOD STUFF What is the predominate type of fatty acid in soybean oil, cheese, and olives?
$300 Answer FOOD STUFF Soybean oil: PUFA Cheese: SFA Olives: MUFA
$400 Question FOOD STUFF What are 2 good food sources of lecithin, a phospholipid?
$400 Answer FOOD STUFF Egg yolk & soy
$500 Question FOOD STUFF What are food sources of complex carbohydrates (starch and fiber)?
$500 Answer FOOD STUFF Whole grains & their products (cereals, pasta, bread. Etc.), vegetables, & legumes.
$100 Question DIET CHEM What is a consumed beverage that is a drug that chemically most closely resembles carbohydrates?
$100 Answer DIET CHEM Alcohol
$200 Question DIET CHEM Name an essential inorganic element and an essential inorganic compound for the body.
$200 Answer DIET CHEM Essential minerals like iron, iodine, potassium etc. are inorganic elements. Water is an essential inorganic compound.
$300 Question DIET CHEM How many double bonds are in SFA, MUFAs, & PUFAs?
$300 Answer DIET CHEM SFA: 0 MUFAs: 1 PUFAs: >1
$400 Question DIET CHEM What are 4 organic compounds that nourish the body?
$400 Answer DIET CHEM Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins are organic compounds that nourish the body.
$500 Question DIET CHEM What are the elements that make up Amino Acids?
$500 Answer DIET CHEM Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen
Final Jeopardy How many Calories/gram are there in Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, and Alcohol?
Final Jeopardy Answer Carbohydrate: 4 Protein: 4 Fat: 9 Alcohol: 7