Catchment Management: Impact of climate change on delivery and investment Innovative responses to Climate Change Luke de Vial Head of Environment and.


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Presentation transcript:

Catchment Management: Impact of climate change on delivery and investment Innovative responses to Climate Change Luke de Vial Head of Environment and Water Resources 21 November

Impacts of climate change Link between catchment management and climate change Programme going forward (AMP6) 3

4 Climate change risks 2050s rainfall Low emissionsMedium emissionsHigh emissions -30% to -40%-40% to -50% -10% to -20% -20% to -30% +10% to +20%0% to +10% Unlikely Most likely 0% to +10% +10% to +20% +20% to +30% +30% to +40% Summer Unlikely Most likely Winter

March to February total rainfall : 1238mm : 635mm

Rainfall, April 2011 – Dec 2011 Compared with average Apr’11 Dec’12 Jan’12

7 Warmer temps Reduced water quality (discolouration, odour) Increased odour from sewage works & sludge HIGHEST SCORING RISKS Drought Less flow in sewers: silting up, blockages, spills from overflows Less flow in sewage works: odour problems Less flow in rivers: lower dilution of effluent

8 More intense / prolonged rainfall Sedimentation in water sources: reduced raw water quality Assets flooded: service failure; need to reinforce flood defences Sewers overwhelmed: spills, properties flooded HIGHEST SCORING RISKS

One issue that is low risk 9

10 Adaptation measures Protecting critical assets from flooding More interconnectivity of supplies Increasing capacity of pipes, treatment works Surface water management

11 Asset flood resilience – protecting critical assets (water) Security and Emergency Measures Direction –Further security protection measures to comply with national security standards Improvements following flood risk assessments at Friar Waddon & Lake 1 in 100 year flood Includes climate change allowance

12 Asset flood resilience – protecting critical assets (wastewater) Pumping station in Weston- super-Mare Flood damage to the installation could lead to flooding in parts of the town Raising motor & electrical controls previously located below ground and flood level.

Climate change and catchment management link? Climate change may cause issues that catchment management can address Catchment management approaches are generally low carbon Catchment management the right solution to problem – climate change or not! 13

Climate change causes catchment problems 14




Catchment management is low carbon 18

Greenhouse gas emissions: historical and future scenarios (ktCO2e) 19

Some issues inherently catchment 20


22 More localised / ‘softer’ Few agencies Many agencies + public Catchment management Demand management Sustainable drainage Water grid & trading, bigger sewers, storm tanks, relocated assets, flood protection, energy self- sufficiency Leakage work Watercourse management Engineering-led, trad. capex

23 More localised / ‘softer’ Few agencies Many agencies + public Catchment management Demand management Sustainable drainage Water grid & trading, bigger sewers, storm tanks, relocated assets, flood protection, energy self- sufficiency Leakage work Watercourse management Engineering-led, trad. capex

Greenhouse gas emissions: historical and future scenarios (ktCO2e) 24

Summary of catchment work 25 NowFrom 2015 Nitrate1215 (+6, -3) Pesticides24 Nitrate (river)01 (big one) Staff5.516??