How to function as a group and make decisions
All teams make decisions. Some decisions are big and impact a large group of people. Should we use local produce in next year’s school lunches? Some are small and only affect some people. Where should we sit when we attend the assembly in the auditorium?
Democratic decisions are very important to our political process. Majority rules is how many issues are resolved. In school, however, and in the team setting, democracy may not always be the best method.
Advantages Democracy is fair. Everyone has equal input. Those with the most votes, win. Those with the fewest votes, lose. Someone HAS to lose. Can lead to anger, frustration, and people trying to get even. Disadvantages
Quick Should we do this activity now or later? When the impact of the decision is not too important What should I wear this morning? When you don’t need everyone in the class to agree We agreed to share our reading logs with a partner. How many people think we should do that twice a week? How many would vote to do it once a week?
1s describe to 2s what the democratic process is. 2s tell 1s about a time when the democratic process would be useful in our class. 2 minutes to think/write notes 2 minutes per student
A shared decision by all team members. Team members must support the decision once it has been made.
Advantages Respects individual opinion Creates one decision that everyone agrees with and supports Long-term support of decision Takes time and a lot of discussion Everyone in group must know issues well Must not be shy to share their opinions Disadvantages
Big decisions Should we move to a new school next year? Small group makes decision for whole school To which organizations should we donate our collections from the school-wide food drive?
2s describe to 1s what consensus is in the decision making process. 1s tell 2s about a time when consensus building would be useful in our class. 2 minutes to think/write notes 2 minutes per student
Making decisions in groups can be difficult Different ways to be productive Democratic process Consensus Method depends on the situation Next we will learn about the process used in the democratic process and consensus building. YOU will make decisions!