The Scientific Method
Step 1: Observations Information that you get with your five senses or tools Example: This chalkboard is green Information that you get with your five senses or tools Example: This chalkboard is green
Step: 2 Problem The problem is the question that you are trying to answer Example: Does the number of hours of light affect the height of a tomato plant?
Step 3: Hypothesis The Hypothesis is a prediction that is testable. Example: I predict that the tomato plants that are exposed to more light will grow to be taller than those with less light.
Step 4: Make and Read the Procedure Procedure is the directions for the experiment This must be read before your can experiment Procedure is the directions for the experiment This must be read before your can experiment
Step 5: Experiment The experiment is a test of the hypothesis
Step 6: Gather Data The actual measurements that you make in an experiment All data should be placed in a table The actual measurements that you make in an experiment All data should be placed in a table Little light 1 hour more light 2 hours more light Plant 1 5 m 7.5 m 10 m Plant 2 4 m 7.3 m 11 m Plant 3 4 m 7.2 m 10.8 m
Step 7: Analysis Looking for patterns in data This is where you use a graph Example: I see a pattern in my graph that the plants with less light are shorter and the plants with more light are taller.
Step 8: Conclusion Does the data support the hypothesis? Example: I thought that the plants with more light would be taller, and the graph supports my hypothesis.
Theory Scientific Theory: a scientific idea that has been supported by a lot of experimental data from many experiments Scientific Theory: a scientific idea that has been supported by a lot of experimental data from many experiments
Control Group The control group is the group in the experiment where no conditions are changed. Example: Some tomato plants are going to be given a regular amount of light by placing them in the window.
Treatment Group Also known as the Experimental Group, this group has ONE condition that has been changed from that of the control group Example: One group of tomato plants will be given two hours more light than the control group
Constants These are the conditions that are kept the same in all of the groups / Example: Some of the constants are going to be the type of soil, the temperature, the amount of water, and the type of tomato plants
Independent Variable The one condition that is changed in the treatment group Example: For my experiment, the IV is going to be the amount of light given to the tomato plants in each group.
Dependant Variable The results of the change that you have made; this is what you measure. Example: The DV of this experiment is the height of each group of tomato plants.
If the results contradict the hypothesis, you have two options: a) Repeat the experiment or change it b) Change the hypothesis If the results contradict the hypothesis, you have two options: a) Repeat the experiment or change it b) Change the hypothesis