Do I like lemon in my iced tea? To test this, I would only change the lemon. If I changed the kind of tea or the temperature, I would not have a good experiment.
Do I like lemon in my iced tea? The lemon is the variable I control, so it is the manipulated or independent variable.
Do I like lemon in my iced tea? I can’t control if I will like the taste of iced tea. This is the responding or dependent variable. The taste of the tea will depend on the lemon.
Will vitamins give me more energy? If I want to try a new vitamin, I should only try one new vitamin at a time. If I try more than one, I will not know what works.
Will vitamins give me more energy? I should choose one vitamin to test, like vitamin B12. This is the independent variable.
Will vitamins give me more energy? I need to keep everything else the same- the amount of sleep I get, the kind of food I eat. I need to control all of the other variables so that I only have one independent variable. I will manipulate the vitamins I take.
Will vitamins give me more energy? After I control everything else, I can see if I feel more energized. My energy level is the dependent variable, the thing that will change if I change the independent variable.
Do I do my homework faster if I listen to music.? What will I need to control, or keep the same to test this?
Do I do my homework faster if I listen to music.? What will I change? This is the manipulated or independent variable.
Do I do my homework faster if I listen to music.? What results will I look at? This is my dependent or responding variable.
Will a tomato plant grow better with more light? What will I need to control, or keep the same to test this?
Will a tomato plant grow better with more light? What will I change? This is the manipulated or independent variable.
Will a tomato plant grow better with more light? What results will I look at? This is my dependent or responding variable.