Principles, Standards and Practices Erik Ott, Regional Representative of CHI’s European network
Newly nominated PSP Taskforce (nominated at the International Consultation, London 2014) Africa: Florence Nkhuwa (Zambia) Americas and the Caribbean: Virginia Gohr (USA) Asia Pacific: Wong Poai Hong (Malaysia) Europe: Catalina Florea (Romania) Middle East and North Africa: Ola Omari (Jordan)
The PSP Taskforce Meeting meet for the first time after being nominated to office on April 2015 in Amsterdam
RESULTS Of the full GLOBAL membership, 70% have submitted the PSA Tool this year. This percentage is broken down by region below.
RESULTS Of the full European membership, 33 of these 41 members submitted the PSA Tool this year. Per each region the results are as follows: 70% of child helplines in Africa has submitted 93% of child helplines in The Americas and the Caribbean submitted 48% of child helplines in Asia Pacific submitted 80% of child helplines in Europe submitted 54% of child helplines in the MENA submitted
PSA Tool This year The PSA Tool assessed three principles: Training, Monitoring and Evaluation Quality of Service to Children Operations and Human Resources Principle 1 Principle 2 Principle 3
Opening hours, specific strategies and technologies, child safety and participation, confidentiality, establishing formal referral networks and providing trainings for counsellors. 1. Quality of Service to Children
Capacity building of staff, mechanisms in place to collect and record data, track the quality of calls and organisational learning. 2. Training, Monitoring and Evaluation 3. Operations and Human Resources Financial and human capacities and contingency plans.
Specific requests from the PSA Tools for Europe How to make lines more accessible during emergency situations Fundraising training and tools Sharing documents on procedures describing how to respond to concerns that a staff or board member is abusing a child Training in M&E, strategy planning and marketing How to use specific strategies and technologies to offer services to marginalised / difficult to reach children
Specific requests from the PSA Tools Task Force for Europe How to develop strategies that promote children’s participation in planning, implementation and monitoring of helpline’s services, How to establish formal referral networks and protocols How to represent the interest of individual children when there is a risk that the child will not get appropriate service by another agency Developing new communication channels which are closer to children
The PSP Taskforce will meet on December 2015 to : Conduct a deeper analysis of the PSA results (e.g. follow up actions, comparisons between 2015 and 2014). Brainstorm the shape and form of the PSP TF in CHI’s new strategic period. Discuss the format and template for the 2016 PSA Tool. Draft the PSP Action Plan for Identify countries to be approached for participation in peer exchanges and trainings. Next Steps
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