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Cloud Computing Cloud computing is the practice of using computer hardware and software applications delivered as a service over the Internet. It allows you to store files and use applications using many different devices connected to the internet from many different locations.
How you’re already using the cloud and don’t even know it Cloud Based - Checking your on your computer and also from your mobile using an app. Using Dropbox from your computer and mobile to share data with your colleagues. Using social media websites (like Facebook, Twitter) from your friend's computer as well as on your mobile and laptop.
For tax and accounting professionals, Cloud means to securely storing and accessing accounting data by using an online accounting software.
What is Cloud Accounting? Cloud accounting means accessing your online accounting software using your web browser over the internet. It runs on remote server and you can access your business financials from anywhere using any device connected to the internet.
According to Forrester Research, the public cloud market is estimated to reach $191B by 2020, growing significantly from 2013’s market size of $58B.
Investors were asked to rate their confidence level in each sector. Confidence levels were measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 representing the most confidence. Global venture capital investors are most confident in cloud computing (4.18).
Benefits of Cloud Computing for Tax and Accounting Professionals
Cost and Time Saving No need for expensive computer equipment and server to be installed in the office. No need to pay for software updates and server maintenance. This cuts hardware, software and energy costs and also, more basically, saves on space in an office.
Flexibility, Convenience and Efficiency Get access to your accounting data from anywhere from any device connected to an internet. Cloud technology helps you better collaborate with your colleagues working in multiple locations.
Safety and Reliability Cloud technology offers great security and data availability in case of disaster or emergency. Cloud service provider takes multiple and continuous backup of data for such situations.
Moving your Business to Cloud Computing? The most important aspect of moving to Cloud Computing is finding a renowned service provider who can answer all your questions and make sure that you get a service that works for your business.
Cloud Service Provider for Accounting Firms in Canada Welcome Networks provides the best cloud solution to bookkeepers, accountants and accounting firms to access accounting software on private cloud. Work smarter and faster while simultaneously increasing your overall productivity.accounting software on private cloud For more information, visit:
Cloud makes accounting in real time and up-to- date. Make sure your company keeps pace with IT growth and change.
References: can-benefit-accountants can-benefit-accountants enterprises-quickly-moving-beyond-cost-reduction-to-customer-driven-results/ enterprises-quickly-moving-beyond-cost-reduction-to-customer-driven-results/ global-venture-capital-confidence-survey/ global-venture-capital-confidence-survey/