Jim Costello - Speaking Notes Shared Service as a Smart Strategy April 2011
Agenda Everybody’s doing it Ireland Abroad Plenty of opportunity Experience Collaboration (‘secret sauce’) Rewards Jim Costello CEO SouthWestern
Shared Services Industry - Ireland perspective Processing forms Revenue Agriculture TV Licences ESB Bord Gáis Animal traceability Administration Customer services overflow Cash collection & customer services Injuries Board Administration & customer services Foreign Affairs Passport & visa processing Taxi Regulator Call centre & admin Financial Regulator Consumer association NTMA Prize Bonds, other (NAMA)
Shared Services Industry - Abroad
Evolution of Shared Service Sector in UK
Plenty of Synergies Shared services Claims Health records Take on existing shared service Means testing Applications Payment processing Claims Means testing Single farm visits Payments admin IT consolidation New services Water & waste mgt Shared services Grants Means testing Student loans Student register Grant admin Shared services Claims Means testing Shared services NTMA NAMA Scheme admin Payments/grants Shared Service Opportunities for Government Departments
Public / Private Sector Collaboration
Experience Transfer of people skills Joint venture models: U se of existing staff resources, bring them on board Pension change: Agreement of new pension arrangement Culture over time: Closely manage 'culture’ shock Pace of change Gradual: Phased programme over agreed period of time to ensure all parties involved pull together for successful execution Geographic: To ensure transition is completed thoroughly, an agreed schedule is followed throughout the network of offices concerned Systems Contractor pays eGovernment security compliance Systems Contractor pays Cloud computing opportunity
Approach to Shared Services
Synergy = Savings Service Provider Sector toolsets. Funded in private.
Reward Guaranteed service levels Efficient service to the Citizen Low risk Proven methodology Experience Flexible & scalable Tools & systems Lower cost Local partnerships Jim Costello CEO SouthWestern