Unit # 2 – Foundations of Civilization Lesson # 5
Agenda Warm Up Study Guide Julius Caesar Gallery Crawl Cold Case Fun on Friday Exit Ticket
On page 21 of your notebook, copy the following graphic organizer Types of government Monarchy Representative Democracy Theocracy Direct Democracy
February 7, 2014 Page 21 – Cross out yesterday’s page 21 Bell Ringer: Complete the “types of democracy” chart ◦Objective: Describe how Ancient Greece contributed to modern forms of society and government ◦Homework: Page 22 ◦Attach Cold Case: Julius Caesar Page 23 ◦Attach Study Guide Page 24 ◦Title: Study Guide anwers
Study Guide Due TEST DAY – Wednesday, February 12 EXTRA CREDIT – Tuesday, February 11 Worth 10% of test grade Needs guardian signature
Introduction to Rome 8 th century – Rome founded on Tiber River Early Rome was a monarchy, but eventually became a republic, ruled by two magistrates 450 BC – Law of the 12 Tables is written 250 years of fighting the Punic Wars led to growth of empire ~ 70 BC – Triumvirate formed with Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus 45 BC – Caesar names himself dictator for life
Julius Caesar Gallery Crawl Roles ◦Each person in your group is to be assigned a role. ◦#1: Instruction reader – This person will read each stations instructions to the group ◦#2: Time keeper – This person will keep an eye on the timer to make sure all steps are being completed in time. ◦#3: Graphic Organizer checker – This person makes sure everyone is completing their graphic organizer. ◦#4: Volumizer – This person makes sure everyone is using their inside voices. Place each person’s name/role on the sheet provided by Ms. Wrede. As she walks around the room, this will be used to determine your grade for this assignment.
Gallery Crawl Follow instructions at each station Complete each Exhibit on the organizer given to you at the beginning of class Failure to complete assignments or straying off topic will result in an alternative assignment being given
Debrief On the ½ sheet provided, identify the DEFENDANT and what evidence supports your claim Do this as a group
Exit Ticket Would Julius Caesar or other dictators be able to rise in a direct democracy? Why or why not?