Value for Money Scott Cann July 2015
Why am I here?
Page 3 Objectives Provide a quick overview of Oxfam’s position Give an understanding of current development Highlight future tagged work Provide a platform to report back on experiences in practical application
A brief recap of Oxfam’s VfM position
Page 5 Oxfam’s VfM position in two minutes Oxfam’s overarching goal is to lift people out of poverty. Value for Money is about maximising the impact (scale, length, depth) of our programmes given our limited resources. Increase accountability by doing this in a more explicit/structured way. But the main focus is to BE Value for Money because we have an obligation to beneficiaries, the public, donors and ourselves.
Page 6 Our goal is to maximise our impact (volume) and to help achieve this, we must maximise the value for money of our work. Impact has three dimensions (I³) Breadth (# of people impacted) Depth (the impact level over time) Height (Quality of the impact) Maximising our impact (within our limited resources
Page 7 Goal by By-product Lift people out of poverty. Delivering high quality and big impact programmes Maximising our Value for Money Able to strongly demonstrate VfM to donors and beneficiaries Action Solution Barrier: Limited resources Base logic
Page 8 Oxfam’s 4E hierarchy triangle Effectiveness Economy Equity Efficiency Before we do things right, we must do the right things
What are we currently doing?
Page 10 What are we currently doing? Oxfam GB Programme performance HumanitarianAudit Programme Funding Programme Quality PMEAL Team Value for Money Toolkit Train the trainers Support to country teams Synching with other work
Page 11 What am I currently doing Focusing on the design-end first to maximise our value for money in the first instance. Supporting in-country staff in the design phase. But there are several barriers. Designing the toolkit in a way to maximise usability (Offline, SPAS, Multi-layered information) Working closely with all elements of our programme quality team, MEL team, humanitarian group and organisationally (audit/funding/campaigns). Testing both internally and externally.
Page 12 VfM Toolkit and SPAS
Page 13 Measuring Value for Money Linking responses in the design to strong measures of Value for Money How do we know if what we are doing is VfM? Primary purpose of monitoring is to evaluate and learn to maximise the VfM of future projects. Where possible quantifying and monetising indicators Where possible making sure indicators are benchmarked or linked over time to create a trend.
Page 14 Improving VFM indicators Strength of Measurement Typology BenchmarkTrendStand-alone Indicator Typology Monetary Quantitative Qualitative Process Aiming to move indicators up the hierarchy where possible …
Page 15 What should we be aiming for?
Page 16 Suggestions for improvement – efficiency Indicator typology Strength of Measurement Typology BenchmarkTrendStand-alone Monetary Quantitative Qualitative Process # mentions in media of OGB report compared to the costs of the media campaign Media coverage of OGB policy report compared to the costs of the media campaign # mentions in media of OGB report compared to the costs of the media campaign, benchmarked with other similar campaigns
What will we be doing moving forward?
Page 18 Breaking silos and changing culture Ongoing work throughout the organisation. From a PQ perspective: Synching the toolkit and resources with existing work Testing at a HQ level to ensure coherence Testing during program design with a select number of in-country teams Wider roll-out and training the trainers Ongoing ad-hoc support Ongoing integration Nuanced resources for humanitarian and private-sector Engaging with other NGOs and partners/donors to share thinking and learning
Page 21 How the process that helps staff maximise Value for Money during the design stage might look? Critical question OneResponse in project designIndicative indicator Are there any skills that need to be passed on to ensure the end result is maintained/ expanded? The project will hire local trainees to help build the houses and learn skills to repair houses as needed. Some tools will be left at the end of the projectto support ongoing repairs. # of local people were involved in building the houses and trained to an adequate level (and cost to train each person) Line of critical thinking ‘ E ’ – Effectiveness Core Attribute One: Sustainability Measuring Value for Money Learning and increased future value
Page 22 Value for Money - Measuring VfM An overview of the indicators and measurement Darker colours highlight more robust, explicit indicators of Value for Money. Indicator typology Less explicit measure of VfMMore explicit measure of VfM
Page 23 Value for Money - Measuring VfM An overview of the indicators and measurement Darker colours highlight more robust, explicit indicators of Value for Money. Measurement typology Less explicit measure of VfMMore explicit measure of VfM