James, #8 Worldliness- too much water in the boat! James 4:17
James #8, Worldliness- 4:1-17 God has always demanded that His people be separate from the world, Isa.52:11 & 2Cor.6: And yet, Christians in the middle of the first century and still today it seems try to blend godliness and worldliness. Thus James addresses the problem both then and now. There is a definite separation in His mind and should be in ours, 1John 5:19!
James #8, Worldliness- 4:1-17 I. Exactly what is “Worldliness” ? According to Webster’s: “of, or relating to, or devoted to this world and its pursuits rather than to religion or spiritual affairs”. Synonyms: earthly, carnal, fleshly, and temporal. According to Scripture: >1John 2:15-17 the love of the world >James 1:27 the opposite of unstained >2:1-4 one who judges by earthly standards >2:15-17 one whose faith is dead >3:5-9 one who blesses God and curses man >3:13-16 one who wisdom manifests evil
James #8, Worldliness- 4:1-17 I. Exactly what is “Worldliness” ? But we must also understand that there are two kinds of worldliness with which the child of God must be concerned: 1) Immoral- worldliness which conflicts with generally or traditionally held moral principles; such as murder, rape, theft, and kidnapping. 2) Moral- worldliness which is generally held as right and acceptable behavior (by the world) such as greed, fornication, lust, covetousness, immodest dress, or even adultery.
James #8, Worldliness- 4:1-17 II. 4:1-2 What is Causes “Worldliness” ? The Wrong Pleasure Source, v.1 -Quickly, what really gives you pleasure? Were your answers spiritual in nature? Or temporal? -Are you seeking pleasure from the wrong things ? 1Pet.2:11 -Or were your answers along the lines of: resisting/overcoming temptation, 1Cor.10:13-14 helping/witnessing someone obey, Acts 11:21ff turning someone back to truth, James 5:20 worshipping with saints & remembering Christ, John 4:24 Eph.5:19 1Cor.11:24-25?
James #8, Worldliness- 4:1-17 II. 4:1-2 What is Causes “Worldliness” ? The Wrong Desires, v.2 These brethren had unlawful desires which therefore could not be legitimately attained: Lust, Jas.1:14-15 Envy, the word here translated is the same as in Acts 17:5 which means to “have warmth of feeling for or against: affect, covet (earnestly), (have) desire, (move with) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly affect). When we consider what this emotion led the Thessalonians to do (Acts 17:5ff), then we understand why it is called a “work of the flesh” Gal.5:21 Titus 3:3!
James #8, Worldliness- 4:1-17 III. 4:3-6 What are the Consequences of “Worldliness” ? Unanswered Prayer, v.3 -Unanswered because of impurity : >of motive- “that you spend it on your pleasures” (already noted as improper) 1:5-6 1John 3:22. >of object- if it can be spent on ungodly pleasures, it should not be prayed for! 1John 5: Spiritual Adultery, v.4a -Isa.54:5-6 Israel’s husband was God -2Cor.11:2 the husband of the spiritual is Christ -Adultery to our husband makes us an enemy.
James #8, Worldliness- 4:1-17 IV. 4:7-10 What is the Cure of “Worldliness” ? Resist/Submit, v.7 We either: -submit to self/Satan & resist God or-submit to God & resist self/Satan, Rom.6:17-18 >All will submit, Rom.14:11-12 >Many will do so too late. >Satan is a roaring lion, 1Pet.5:8…. but a roaring lion on a chain! Draw Near to God, v.8 How? “cleanse your hands” v.2 1Tim.2:8 “purify your hearts” 1:14-15 Phil.4:8 1Pet.1:22 “be miserable, mourn, and weep” Rom.12:15 “humble yourselves” Psalm 66:2
James #8, Worldliness- 4:1-17 V. 4:11-17 How do I know if I have a problem with“Worldliness” ? It’s Characteristics: Speaks Against His Brother, v Fails to Appreciate the Brevity of Life, vv Fails to Do According to What He Knows, v.17
James #8, Worldliness- 4:1-17 So, If you have come to know that the “right thing to do” is to come out from the world- it’s lusts, desires, and pleasure sources- and be separate from them, Will you begin right now?