Connecting Rod Workshop 7A Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-2 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod Description Build a solid model of an automobile connecting rod using bottom-up modeling techniques R 1.4R 0. 4R 0.7R 45 o Spline through six control points C L C L Crank pin end Wrist pin end All dimensions in inches 45 o
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-3 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 1.Enter ANSYS in the working directory specified by your instructor using “c-rod” as the jobname. 2.Create two circular areas: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Areas- Circle > By Dimensions... RAD1 = 1.4 RAD2 = 1 THETA1 = 0 THETA2 = 180, then [Apply] Next, set THETA1 = 45, then [OK] –Or issue: /PREP7 PCIRC,1.4,1,0,180 PCIRC,1.4,1,45,180 3.Turn area numbering on: –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Numbering... Set Area numbers on, then [OK] –Or issue: /PNUM,AREA,1 APLOT
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-4 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 4.Create two rectangular areas: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Areas- Rectangle > By Dimensions... X1 = -0.3, X2 = 0.3, Y1 = 1.2, Y2 = 1.8, then [Apply] X1 = -1.8, X2 = -1.2, Y1 = 0, Y2 = 0.3, then [OK] –Or issue: RECTNG,-0.3,0.3,1.2,1.8 RECTNG,-1.8,-1.2,0,0.3 5.Offset working plane to XYZ location (X=6.5): –Utility Menu > WorkPlane > Offset WP to > XYZ Locations + Enter 6.5 in the ANSYS Input window followed by Enter (carriage return) [OK] –Or issue: WPAVE,6.5 6.Set the active coordinate system to be the working plane coordinate system: –Utility Menu > WorkPlane > Change Active CS to > Working Plane –Or issue: CSYS,4
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-5 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 7.Create two more circular areas: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Areas- Circle > By Dimensions... RAD1 = 0.7 RAD2 = 0.4 THETA1 = 0 THETA2 = 180, then [Apply] Next, set THETA2 = 135, then [OK] –Or issue: PCIRC,0.7,0.4,0,180 PCIRC,0.7,0.4,0,135
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-6 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 8.Issue separate Boolean overlaps on each area group: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > -Booleans- Overlap > Areas + First select the left group of areas, then [Apply] Next, select the right group of areas, then [OK] –Or issue: AOVLAP,1,2,3,4 AOVLAP,5,6
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-7 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 9.Set the active coordinate system to be Global Cartesian: –Utility Menu > WorkPlane > Change Active CS to > Global Cartesian –Or issue: CSYS,0 10.Define four new keypoints: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > Keypoints > In Active CS … 1st KP, X=2.5, Y=0.5, then [Apply] 2nd KP, X=3.25, Y=0.4, then [Apply] 3rd KP, X=4, Y=0.33, then [Apply] 4th KP, X=4.75, Y=0.28, then [OK] –Or issue: K,,2.5,0.5 K,,3.25,0.4 K,,4.0,0.33 K,,4.75, Set the active coordinate system to be global cylindrical: –Utility Menu > WorkPlane > Change Active CS to > Global Cylindrical –Or issue: CSYS,1
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-8 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 12.Create a single line from a spline fit to a series of keypoints: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Lines- Splines > With Options > Spline thru KPs + Pick, in order, the six keypoints as shown in the graphics window below, then [OK]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-9 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 12.(continued from previous page): XV1 = 1 (radius at keypoint 1 in Global Cylindrical coordinate system) YV1 = 135 (theta at keypoint 1 in Global Cylindrical coordinate system) XV6 = 1 (radius at keypoint 6 in Global Cylindrical coordinate system) YV6 = 45 (theta at keypoint 6 in Global Cylindrical coordinate system) [OK] –Or issue: BSPLIN,5,6,7,21,24,22,1,135,,1,45
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-10 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 13.Create a straight line between keypoints 1 and 18: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Lines- Lines > Straight Line + Pick the two keypoints as shown in the graphics window below, then [OK] –Or issue: LSTR, 1, 18
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-11 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 14.Turn line numbering on and plot lines: –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Numbering... Set Line numbers on, then [OK] –Utility Menu > Plot > Lines –Or issue: /PNUM,LINE,1 LPLOT 15.Create a new area bounded by previously defined lines 6, 1, 7, 25: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Areas- Arbitrary > By Lines + Pick the four lines (6, 1, 7, and 25), then [OK] –Or issue: AL, 6, 1, 7, 25
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-12 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 16.Zoom in on the left portion of the connecting rod: –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Pan, Zoom, Rotate … [Box Zoom]
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-13 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 17.Create three line fillets: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Lines- Line Fillet + Pick lines 36 and 40, then [Apply] RAD =.25, then [Apply] Pick lines 40 and 31, then [Apply] [Apply] Pick lines 30 and 39, then [OK] [OK] –Utility Menu > Plot > Lines –Or issue: LFILLT,36,40,0.25 LFILLT,40,31,0.25 LFILLT,30,39,0.25 LPLOT
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-14 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 18.Create three new areas bounded by the previously defined fillet lines: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Areas- Arbitrary > By Lines + Pick lines 12, 10, and 13, then [Apply] Pick lines 17, 15, and 19, then [Apply] Pick lines 23, 21, and 24, then [OK] –Utility Menu > Plot > Areas –Or issue: AL, 12, 10, 13 AL, 17, 15, 19 AL, 23, 21, 24 APLOT
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-15 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 19.Add all areas together to form one single area: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > Add > Areas + [Pick All] –Or issue: AADD,ALL 20.Fit the entire model within the graphics window: –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Pan, Zoom, Rotate … [Fit] 21.Turn off line and area numbering: –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Numbering... Set Line and Area numbers off, then [OK] –Utility Menu > Plot > Areas –Or issue: /PNUM,LINE,0 /PNUM,AREA,0 APLOT
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-16 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 22.Set the active coordinate system to be global cartesian: –Utility Menu > WorkPlane > Change Active CS to > Global Cartesian –Or issue: CSYS,0 23.Reflect the area about the X-Z plane (in Y direction): –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Reflect > Areas + [Pick All] Select X-Z plane, then [OK] –Or issue: ARSYM,Y,13
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-17 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 24.Add all areas together to form one single area: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > Add > Areas + [Pick All] –Or issue: AADD,ALL 25.Turn working plane off: –Utility Menu > WorkPlane > Display Working Plane –Or issue: WPSTYLE
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-18 7A. Solid Modeling: Bottom-Up Connecting Rod 26.Save and exit ANSYS: –Pick the “SAVE_DB” button in the Toolbar – Pick the “QUIT” button in the Toolbar Select “Quit - No Save!” [OK] –Or issue: SAVE FINISH /EXIT,NOSAVE
Connecting Rod Workshop 7B Solid Modeling: Importation/Clean-up
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-20 7B. Solid Modeling: Importation/Clean-up Connecting Rod Description You’ve been given a CAD model of a connecting rod that needs to be analyzed. The geometry does not include all of the features needed for the analysis. You need to add fillets, thru holes, and create a symmetric model to simplify the analysis.
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-21 7B. Solid Modeling: Importation/Clean-up Connecting Rod 1.Enter ANSYS in the working directory specified by your instructor using “c-rod-fix” as the jobname. 2.Import the “c-rod.igs” IGES file using the No defeaturing option: –Utility Menu > File > Import > IGES… Select “No defeaturing”, then [OK] Select the “c-rod.igs” file, then [OK] –Or issue: /AUX15 IGESIN,'c-rod','igs',' ' VPLOT 3. Create the first thru hole: 3a. Create Keypoint at hole center: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > Keypoints > At center > 3 Keypoints + Pick three keypoints [OK] –Or issue: /PREP7 KCENTER,KP,17,29,31,0 3b. Offset workplane to new keypoint: –Utility Menu > Workplane > Offset WP to > Keypoints + –Pick new keypoint at center of hole –Or issue: KWPAVE, 1
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-22 7B. Solid Modeling: Importation/Clean-up Connecting Rod 3c.Create cylinder for hole: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Volumes- Cylinder > Solid Cylinder + Radius = 1, Depth = -1 [OK] –Or issue: CYL4,,,1,,,,-1 3d.Subtract cylinder from connecting rod: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > Operate > Subtract > Volumes + Pick the connecting rod [OK] Pick the cylinder [OK] –Utility Menu > Plot > Volumes –Or issue: VSBV,1,2 VPLOT
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-23 7B. Solid Modeling: Importation/Clean-up Connecting Rod 4. Create the second thru hole: 4a. Create Keypoint at hole center: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > Keypoints > At center > 3 Keypoints + Pick three keypoints [OK] –Or issue: KCENTER,KP,19,23,27,0 4b. Offset workplane to new keypoint: –Utility Menu > Workplane > Offset WP to > Keypoints + –Pick new keypoint at center of hole –Or issue: KWPAVE, 18 4c.Create cylinder for hole: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Volumes- Cylinder > Solid Cylinder + Radius = 0.4, Depth = -1 [OK] –Or issue: CYL4,,,.4,,,,-1 4d.Subtract cylinder from connecting rod: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > Subtract > Volumes + Pick the connecting rod [OK] Pick the cylinder [OK] –Utility Menu > Plot > Volumes –Or issue: VSBV,3,1 VPLOT
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-24 7B. Solid Modeling: Importation/Clean-up Connecting Rod 5.Divide volume for symmetry: 5a.Rotate workplane to divide volume: –Utility Menu > Workplane > Offset WP by increments … Rotate about X, 90 deg, then [OK] –Or issue: WPRO,,90, 5b. Divide volume by workplane: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > Divide > Volu by WrkPlne + Select the connecting rod, then [OK] –Utility Menu > Plot > Volumes –Or issue: VSBW,2 VPLOT 5c. Delete the bottom half of the connecting rod: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Delete > Volume and Below + Select the bottom volume, then [OK] –Utility Menu > Plot > Volumes –Or issue: VDELE,3,,,1 VPLOT
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-25 7B. Solid Modeling: Importation/Clean-up Connecting Rod 6.Add first fillet: 6a. Create area fillet: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Areas- Area Fillet + Pick two areas to create fillet [OK] Radius = 1 [OK] –Or issue: AFILLT,47,43,1, 6b. Create areas from fillet lines –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Areas- Arbitrary > By Lines + Pick first three lines (lines 2, 12, 18) [Apply] Pick second three lines (lines 1, 13, 30) [OK] –Or issue: AL,2,12,18 AL,1,13,30 First set of lines Second set of lines
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-26 7B. Solid Modeling: Importation/Clean-up Connecting Rod 6c. Create volume from fillet areas: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Create > -Volumes- Arbitrary > By Areas + Pick the five areas that make up the fillet volume (8, 10, 12, 13, 15), then [OK] –Or issue: VA,8,10,12,13,15 6d. Add the fillet and connecting rod volumes: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > Add > Volumes + [Pick All] –Or issue: VADD,all VPLOT
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-27 7B. Solid Modeling: Importation/Clean-up Connecting Rod 6e. Add planar areas: –Main Menu > Preprocessor > -Modeling- Operate > Add > Areas + Pick planar connecting rod / fillet areas on front (Areas 14 & 16) [Apply] Pick planar connecting rod / fillet areas on back (Areas 12 & 6), then [OK] –Or issue: AADD,14,16 AADD,12,6 VPLOT
Workshop Supplement January 30, 2001 Inventory # W7-28 7B. Solid Modeling: Importation/Clean-up Connecting Rod 7.Save and exit ANSYS: –Pick the “SAVE_DB” button in the Toolbar – Pick the “QUIT” button in the Toolbar Select “Quit - No Save!” [OK] –Or issue: SAVE FINISH /EXIT,NOSAVE